Server Config File Template/Example
From MoH:AA Reborn Wiki
- This is a template for server configuration file, that should let you set up your Reborn Server from scratch in few seconds.
- For more Reborn Configuration Options see Reborn CVars List
//************** Reborn Patch *************** //************* ************** //************ ************ //*** Note some additional mods required **** //*** Example Freezetag Mefy mod required *** //************** Server info **************** seta sv_hostname "Place your server name here" seta g_motd "Message here" sets "+Admin" "Place admin name here" sets "+Clan" "Set clan here" sets "+Teamspeak3" "" //sets "+Mumble" "" sets "+Location" "UK" sets "+Hosted By" "" sets "+webiste" "" sets "+Email" "" //************ General Settings ************** seta skill 0 //added seta sv_timeout "200" seta sv_precache "1" seta sv_maxRate "25000" seta sv_privateClients "" seta sv_maxclients "20" seta sv_reconnectlimit "10" seta sv_zombietime "1" seta g_inactivity "0" seta g_forcerespawn "0" seta g_syncronousclients "0" seta g_smoothClients "1" seta sv_fps 20 seta sv_allowdownload 0 seta sv_floodprotect "1" seta cheats "0" seta sv_pure "0" //*********** Server Network Settings ******** seta sv_flood_waitdelay "10" seta sv_flood_persecond "4" seta sv_flood_msgs "4" seta noipx "1" //************** Logs ************************ //seta fs_basepath . //seta fs_userpath /log //seta fs_outputpath /log //seta logfilename "qconsole.log" //deactivated //seta writeconfig "config.log" //deactivated seta logfile 3 seta g_logSync "1" seta sv_chatter 1 //seta developer 0 //1,2,3 modes available seta sv_debuggamespy 0 //information gamespy //*************** Extras ******************** seta sv_maxPing "0" //disactivated, use High Ping Limiter System seta sv_minPing "0" //activated //************* Server Passwords ************ seta rconpassword "xxxxx" //seta sv_privatePassword "" //seta password "x" // deactivated //******** Game Play Default Settings ******* seta g_gravity "800" seta g_knockback "1000" seta g_quadfactor "3" seta g_speed "320" seta g_healrate 0 seta g_healthdrop 1 seta g_realismmode 1 seta g_forceteamspectate 1 seta g_spectate_allow_full_chat 0 seta sv_team_spawn_interval 0 seta g_inactivespectate 0 seta g_inactivekick 0 seta g_teamswitchdelay 10 seta g_allowjointime 20 //default 30 seta cg_forcemodels 1 //*************** Team Preferences ********** seta g_teamdamage "0" //**************** Voting ******************* //seta g_allowVote "0" //deactivated //seta g_votetimeout "0.3" //************* Masterservers *************** // add up to 4 additional master servers // Note: This feature does not work in MoHAA // but may be implemented in future Reborn Releases seta sv_master1 "" seta sv_master2 "" seta sv_master3 "" //seta sv_master1 "" //seta sv_master2 "" //seta sv_master3 "" seta sv_gamespy 1 //******************************************* //************** ProMod ********************* //seta "promod" "0" //deactivated //seta "playmode" "public1noac" //deactivated //******************************************* //******************************************* //******************************************* //*** Extended Gametypes (Freezetag etc.)**** //******************************************* //************ Caputure the flag ************ //set g_extgametype ctf //set g_ctf_settings "respawn: 0 returnboth: 1 capturepress: -1" //************ Demolition ******************* //set g_extgametype dem //set g_dem_settings "respawn: 1 attacker: swap mef_team_spawn_interval: 6" //************ Freeze-Tag ******************* //set g_extgametype ft //set g_ft_settings "meltgun: on melttime: 35" //deactived //************ Freeze-Tag-CTF *************** //set g_extgametype ftctf //set g_ftctf_settings "pointlimit: 6 countdown: 30 meltgun: off mef_team_spawn_interval: 6" //************ Freeze-Tag-Demolition ******** //set g_extgametype ftdem //set g_ftdem_settings "settime: 20 defusetime: 10 ticktime: 60" //************ Freeze-Tag-Objective ********* //set g_extgametype ftobj //set g_ftobj_settings "meltgun: on melttime: 30" //******************Gametype **************** // Set the type of game: 1=Deathmatch 2=Team match 3=Roundbased 4=Obj seta g_gametype 4 seta g_extgametype obj //deactivated seta roundlimit "5" seta timelimit "0" seta fraglimit "7" seta dmrespawning "0" seta dmroundlimit "0" //******************************************* //************* Maprotatin / Map ************ //seta sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team4 " //map obj/obj_team1 //starts with hunt seta sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team4" map obj/obj_team2 //= stalingrad //********** Reborn Patch settings *********** //************* 1.12 ********************** //** Sets banning 1=on 0=off seta sv_banning 1 //** Sets filter 1=on 0=off reads filterchat.cfg seta sv_filterchat 1 //** Sets In-game chat 1=on 0=off sv_disablechat 0 //** Sets Kinping //was 998 seta sv_kickping 0 //** sets how many connections from Same IP seta sv_maxconnperip 3 //** Set Kick Bad cmd 1=on 0=off seta sv_kickbadcmd 1 //** Sets Sound Distance seta sv_sounddistance "8000" // deprecated, doesn't change anything //** Sets Anti Wall hack mode 1,2,3,4,5,6 //** 1=Bone A-WH; 2=Hitbox A-WH; 3=BonePredict //** A-WH; 4=FramePredict A-WH; //** 5=Testing(better accuracy); //** 6=tweaked mode 5 (RC3.1.005+ only)) seta sv_antiwh "0" //** Skips AntiWH checks for players above given //** ping (<0...999>) sv_antiwhskipping 400 //** Sets Anti shoot through walls 1=on 0=off seta sv_antistwh "1" //** Sets recoil emulation 1=on 0=off seta sv_recoilemulation "0" //** Sets stufftext detection 1=on 0=off seta sv_stufftextdetection "0" //** Sets Anti cham 1=on 0=off seta anticham "0" // works only with anticham mod //** Sets server update check delay (hours) seta sv_updatedelay 24 //** Turns Teambalancing feature 0=off; 1=on seta g_teambalance 0 //** Sets an IP from which your //** remote tool like CI, ForeSight or Scapp is //** communicating with the patch. It will be let //** through the anti-getstatus flood as trusted //** IP.(XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) seta sv_remotetoolip "" //** GetStatus/GetInfo Anti Flood Protection 1=on 0=off seta sv_packetantiflood 1