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Thread: Optimization code

  1. #1
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Default Optimization code

    I wrote this program for work. It's a custom application, but basically I check what state the application is in, if it's in state 1 then it minimizes to the taskbar, if it's in state2 then it goes to it's default window state.

    The program itself works flawlessly, but I notice that it laggs the hell out of my system. I'm thinking it's because of all the loops. When I check the taskmgr I see my CPU usage go up to 50% from like 0-10%. That's a HUGE increase for such a small application, I would like to hear some feedback from users to see what I could potentially do to make it run a bit better.

    // blah.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <math.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    using namespace std;
    bool minimized = false;
    bool maximized = true;
    bool msgHide = false;
    bool msgShow = false;
    int _tmain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
        //Afx:00400000:b:00010011:00000000:00000000 --> This is VERY odd, but it's the handle to the ShoreWare Agent Tool Bar
        HWND hWnd = FindWindow("Afx:00400000:b:00010011:00000000:00000000", NULL );
        /*Local Variables*/
        UINT nCurShow;
        //We do a while loop (this allows the program to run in the background)
            // Stealth mode so we don't see the command prompt window
            /* Hmm screws up my code argh :S (will look into later)
            HWND stealth;
            // jajajaja
            //If you hit Esc, it will close the program
                return 0;
            //Check if the window handle exists
                /*Local Variables declared to get a Process Handle ont he Window Object*/
                DWORD ProcessID; 
                GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, &ProcessID ); 
                HANDLE Process = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, ProcessID ); 
                //Check if the process exists
                    /*More local variables declared. These variables will hold the read information from the memory address*/
                    BYTE data;
                    DWORD datasize = sizeof(data);
                    //Read the data from memory
                    ReadProcessMemory(Process,(void *)0x005556FC, &data, datasize, 0); 
                        We can check to see what state the agent toolbar is in by reading the data from memory
                        Toggle between release\resume state: 0x005556FC <--- This is the address where the states are stored
                        BYTE data = *(int*)0x005556FC;
                        DWORD datasize = sizeof(data);
                        Now we check the values. We know that the value will either be 0 or 1.
                        0 = release - green
                        1 = resume - flashing red
                        Release mode - green
                        00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                        Resume mode - red flashing
                        01 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                        There are 2 ways to do this. Method 1 seems to run a bit better, but I still need to find a way to optimize the code so it runs more smoothly.
                    /*Method 1*/
                    //We are checking to see whether or Shoretel is in Resume Mode & whether or not the Window is already minimized
                    if((int)data == 1 && minimized == true)
                        //Assuming the above statement is true, we go ahead and check to make sure if the Window is minimized
                        if((ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE)))
                            //Maximize the window
                            ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
                            maximized = true;
                            minimized = false;
                            //This is optional, but the sole purpose of this is to popup a messagebox & let the user know what's going on
                            if(msgShow != true)
                                MessageBoxA(NULL,"Maximized now","Mnfo",MB_OK);
                                msgShow = true;
                                msgHide = false;
                    else if((int)data == 0 && maximized == true)
                        if((ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL)))
                            //Minimize the window
                            ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE);
                            minimized = true;
                            maximized = false;
                            //This is optional, but the sole purpose of this is to popup a messagebox & let the user know what's going on
                            if(msgHide != true)
                                MessageBoxA(NULL,"Minimized now","Info",MB_OK);
                                msgHide = true;
                                msgShow = false;
                    /*This is just for testing purposes*/
                    //printf("Value for 0x005556FC is = %i \n", (int) data);
                    /*Method 2*/
                    //This is another way to check the state the Window is in
                    if(GetWindowPlacement( hWnd, &wd ))
                        //We store the variable inside nCurShow
                        nCurShow = wd.showCmd;
                        //We check to see if Window is minimized & whether Shoretel is in resume mode
                        if((int)data == 1 /*&& minimized == true */&& nCurShow == SW_MINIMIZE)
                            //Maximize the Window and set the foreground
                            ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
                            //This is optional, but the sole purpose of this is to popup a messagebox & let the user know what's going on
                            if(msgShow != true)
                                MessageBoxA(NULL,"maximized now","info",MB_OK);
                                msgShow = true;
                                msgHide = false;
                        else if((int)data == 0 /*&& maximized == true */&& nCurShow == SW_SHOWNORMAL)
                            //Minimize the Window and set the foreground
                            ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE );
                            //This is optional, but the sole purpose of this is to popup a messagebox & let the user know what's going on
                            if(msgHide != true)
                                MessageBoxA(NULL,"minimized now","info",MB_OK);
                                msgHide = true;
                                msgShow = false;
                        //The default state it should be in is ShowNormal, which sets the application in a default state.
                        ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
                    /*We want to make sure we close the Process handle so that we don't corrupt the memory access or cause any unexpected errors*/
        //On Exit, restore the window
        ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
        return 0;

  2. #2
    Administrator JoTo's Avatar
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    have not checked all the code, but it looks to me like the loop while(1) runs without having any break: loop start - processing - loop back - processing ... - , so I guess you need to insert a threading sleep at the end of the loop: loop start - processing - sleep a while - loop back - processing ... If it consumes 50% cpu I assume youre having a double core cpu system

  3. #3
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    So maybe, I should have a switch instead and use cases. That's a possibility.
    Is there a better way to run a program without having a infinite loop (while(1))?

    while(1) is just a shortcut method I've used for a while.

  4. #4
    Administrator JoTo's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    having a while(1) loop is fine if thats what you want: to have a continously neverending loop in the app, I think its supposed to do check aslong the app is runnign right ? But you need to make sure that it eats not up the whole cpu, so you need to make the executing thread sleep or inserting a wait. Easiest is to insert a sleep, not entirely sure about the syntax in C:
    ...processing here...
    //now sleep a bit :)
    void Sleep (milliseconds) 
    so having eg. 50 milliseconds means your app checks the other app 20 times a second, You decide if thats enough. If you don't insert a break then the app will check as often as possible = 100% cpu time.

  5. #5
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Bah thank you, that did it. Should have thought of that :P

  6. #6
    Administrator JoTo's Avatar
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    nice to hear. About alternatives for a while(1) loop: Another method would be to work with timers, windows offers 3 different types of times, the default one isn't very exact - same like the sleep method, but there is a system kernel timer which works very accurate something in nano second area, so if you need to work with exact timing that would be the way to choose.
    A completely different method like those polling methods would be to work event-based. For that you would catch the events, in this case from the app that needs to be controlled (windows messages, message loop), and react on them.

  7. #7
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Yeah makes sense. I've worked with events before, but it was in a win32 API app as opposed to a simple console app. This app is more or less something I volunteered to do for work to help them out since I have background in programming haha.

    Events would work great too yeah, but I figure, as long as it works the way it's supposed to, no need to mess with it now. I appreciate the help again Joto.

  8. #8
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
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    Yep, timers whould do the thing too.
    As I remember you set timer with simple function and you give it as a param, pointer to function which you want to execute. You also specify how often it should execute it, like every second or 2 seconds, etc.

    Here you can read about it:

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