Making different parts of a model spin on only 1 axis each
Hello again guys. Whyle modeling in new turret guns in my mod. I noticed that machineguns have fully static bipods and only the machinegun moves.
In other models of the game, models are able to have different sections of them rotating on only one axis.
Example: Searchlight- the mount rotates only on the 'Z' axis while the Light only rotates on the 'Y'. Both then are able to coordinate with eachother to aim at the player when spotted.
Another example: King tiger turret- the cannon only moves up and down while the dome only rotates left and right.
I tried to look in the spotlight.scr, vehicles_thinker.scr and in the tiki files to see if there was a command that locked each part of the model to rotate on only one axis. But since I know little to nothing about scripting I was unable to find such command.
While I was modeling a new mount for the Jeep .30 cal I wondered if it was possible to apply the same mechanics to the machineguns.
AFAIK the only native way to do that is with turrets that are attached to vehicles (eg: a VehicleTurretGun entity attached to a VehicleTank entity)
it gets attached with the spawnturret command
the turret needs to have a bone called connect and the base needs to have a turret0 bone (or turret1, turret2, turret3, etc..)
Idk if there are other native way to connect 2 models allowing them to rotate but I'm sure one could make a workarround to do it only through scripting