I'm helping out a friend with some 3D modelling and new textures for his MoH:AA mod. I'm new to modding this game, and am hitting some problems when trying to replace some of the .skd static model files (I'm not editing maps, just model files and textures). Maybe one of you guys can offer some advice on what I'm doing wrong?
The problem I'm having seem like it could be similar to this one:
...but maybe not. In the game, the new model renders with strange shading.
I'm making new models and UV maps in Blender, then exporting as .obj files. Then I import the game's original .skd & .skc files (for the model I want to replace) into LightRay3D, so that I have the material and "bone" object for it. In LR3D, I delete the original skin and model, import the new .obj model, update the material with the new texture, assign the material to the model, convert it to a skin, edit the skin vertices (add them to the bone object and give them a weight of 1.0), then export the skin as a .skd & .skc file with the default export settings. Then place the .skd, .skc and texture files into the appropriate folder structure inside a zzzzzzz-XXXXXX.pk3 mod file.
Here's an example:
Blender model - looks fine
Imported model in LR3D (this one has 956 TVerts) - looks fine
...and in-game - looks bad! 
The strange thing is, if I shoot the model in-game, the weird shading disappears for an instant when the bullets hit (or maybe it's the muzzle flash?)...
I've tried changing the texture rendering settings for this model in the relevant shader files (submodels.shader & das_boot.shader), and managed to make it render without the weird shading, but then it has no shading at all.
Shader code I tried:
qer_editorimage textures/das_boot/atlas-echolot.tga
map textures/das_boot/atlas-echolot.tga
rgbGen identityLighting
(I'm not a programmer, so am just guessing with the shader settings, after reading some guidance, most of which I don't understand...)
As the game's original model renders ok with the original shader settings, I'm now thinking the problem is probably with the new model, its material settings or the exported .skd file?
I appreciate any suggestions you can offer