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Thread: Update to MoH Maplist Archive Project

  1. #1

    Default Update to MoH Maplist Archive Project

    Back in 2020 I created extensive maplists of DM and OBJ maps to try and make a record of all that were in existence. I included data such as authors, creation dates, etc.

    Here is an update since then on just the DM map side, as I have entered info for 47 MoH DM maps that have either been created or found since my last list in 2020. An update for the OBJ list will be coming soon.

    Link to updated list:!AvG_efQvhAmN8140...Ly6yY?e=G3bm8J

    Thanks to all who have helped keep MoH and the creations of its community alive!
    - <T|F|B> The Shadow (William Davis)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Cool! I did a quick view and see there's plenty of new maps I didn't even knew the author. Are you uploading the maps or just listing em? It would be awesome to make a site and upload all the maps, since AAAA is missing some because ppl don't upload their maps there. I know some french site that still update their downloads adding new releases.

    It's a nice project, keep it up!

    Ps: you are missing some of my maps. You can find them all in my signature.
    MoH Reborn | MoH:AA Guide | Mapping tutorials | zzzzzMy_Maps.pk3 | YouTube
    xNULL Discord

    +set thereisnomonkey 1

  3. #3


    Thanks Konig! I'll make sure I include your other maps in my next update in a few months or later in the year. I saved most of these maps on the list to my own personal archive but might be interested in contributing to a newer site or version of AAAA in the future. Although my time isn't always as free as i'd like it to be for MoH and such. Very thankful for the other Shadow (Brian) who helped save so many maps to AAAA in the first place.

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