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Thread: Missing info_player_intermission "angles" for dm/mohdm1

  1. #1

    Default Missing info_player_intermission "angles" for dm/mohdm1

    Someone told me a long time ago about this, but I am unsure if it can be considered a bug from the original game or a "feature".

    In Q3 and other Q3 based games, this entity acts as a camera for the intermission screen between each match. The purpose is to show fixed camera angles for every player, usually behind a ui scoreboard screen.

    Most maps in AA never used info_player_intermission, except two: dm/mohdm4 (The Crossroads) and dm/mohdm1 (Southern France). For maps without info_player_intermission, the screen just fades-in to black at the end of the match.

    Intermission comes with two keys:
    "angles": alternate "pitch, yaw, roll" angles method of aiming intermission camera (default 0 0 0).
    "target": point this to an info_notnull or target_position entity to set the camera's pointing angles.
    In AA, "angles" works while "target" does not do anything.

    This is the case in dm/mohdm4 (The Crossroads) but not in dm/mohdm1 (Southern France).

    In dm/mohdm1 the original developer specified a target with a valid target origin (as seen in the .map file source) but without angles.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	intermission.jpg 
Views:	22 
Size:	127.8 KB 
ID:	2339

    The resulting intermission camera is a strange camera that faces a bland textured wall. I am not sure if it was intended.
    A possible solution would be to deactivate this entity and place a new one with a valid "angles" key via the map script, or delete it it to make an unified behavior across maps.
    Last edited by val; January 3rd, 2023 at 07:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Well, that clarify a lot of question I used to have. I always though you can be set more than one target, so you can make like a tour to the map at the end of the round instead of having a static view of one specific spot.

    The info_player_intermission angle and the info_null should work in tandem. What I understand is the angle works as your eyes and the info_null as your finger pointing somewhere. That's why in mohdm1 you see a zoomed in wall instead of the spot the info_null aims. I guess it would work without targeting it to a info_null, just setting a correct angle.
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