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Thread: Friggin Uncontrollable Idiots -|- Sniper Only

  1. #1

    Default Friggin Uncontrollable Idiots -|- Sniper Only

    Hello I Just setup a Moh:AA server with Webehostin and have created a snipers only server one where you can't cross over into the enemies side of the map we run 2 custom maps currently that are scripted to respawn a player who tries to cross the center point of the maps

    Server Info:

    current map is in this map pack
    Spearhead MP Maps to AA Conversion

    I have now set the map to Druckkammern

    As for those wondering why Druckkammern I used to love playing ST-1 also know as Sniper Team One on Spearhead on their Druckkammern 24/7 Server and wanted to make something from my past that I loved.

    As for setting up a Reborn Server and not a Spearhead Server is that I love how easy it is to admin the reborn server without needing to have a 3rd party program also admins for the server is a breeze with the admin.ini file.
    Last edited by Sebastian; July 1st, 2022 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Fixing some mistakes and updating the post

  2. #2


    You can get the map you whant and other maps from BT on this package because is a BT conversion to AA:

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