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Thread: Spawnblock Help

  1. #1

    Default Spawnblock Help

    Hi. I was wondering if someone would be help me with a Spawnblock issue I am having.

    I am using the DM to OBJ mod on my server, and there seems to be spawn issues on Southern France. There are spawn points that cause the Axis to spawn with the Allies. When I tried to add the spawn points to the map script file, it doesn't fix it. I rewrote the spawns too, and that still did not fix the issue.

    This is what I added to the spawn block:

    waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -823 2367 384)
    waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 953 3135 560)

  2. #2


    The problem with the spawns is with the spawns he have.
    You will have to check wich ones are causing that and remove from the mod.

  3. #3


    Are you using THIS mod?
    I remember using it on my server without any issues.
    But you have to have the mefy-extgametypes v1.2.2 mod in the server

    Also is your log showing any error?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleKill View Post
    The problem with the spawns is with the spawns he have.
    You will have to check wich ones are causing that and remove from the mod.
    I rewrote the Axis spawns, and the two spawns I am trying to block are not listed there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zappa View Post
    Are you using THIS mod?
    I remember using it on my server without any issues.
    But you have to have the mefy-extgametypes v1.2.2 mod in the server

    Also is your log showing any error?

    Yes, that's the mod I'm using. I'm using the same bomb.scr and util.scr from the DM to OBJ mod. I didn't see anything in the logs.

    Here is my script file for mohdm1

    // **********************************************************************
    // Extended-Gametype Mapscript Version 1.2.1 (05-14-05)
    // By Mark Follett (Mefy)
    // email:
    // web:
    // You are free to modify and redistribute as long as you keep these
    // credits.
    // **********************************************************************
    // set scoreboard messages
    setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "Southern France"
    setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" ""
    setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" ""
    setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" ""
    setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "<[TFC]> Clan"
    setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" ""
    setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "mohdm1"
    //waitthread setupobj
    	switch (waitthread global/libmef/util.scr::get_gametype)
    		case "ctf":
    		case "ftctf":
    		case "dem":
    		case "ftdem":
    			waitthread global/libmef/spawn.scr::spawnblock_begin
    			waitthread setup_bases
    		case "ft":
    		case "rbm":
    			waitthread global/libmef/spawn.scr::spawnblock_begin
    		case "obj":
    		case "ftobj":
    			waitthread block
    			waitthread objectivethread
    	level waitTill prespawn
    	//*** Precache Dm Stuff
    	exec global/DMprecache.scr
    	level.script = maps/dm/mohdm1.scr
    	exec global/ambient.scr mohdm1
    	level waittill spawn
    	if (level.mef_baseversion == "sh" || level.mef_baseversion == "bt")
    		$world commanddelay 0 farclipoverride -1
    	if (level.mef_alliedspawnregion == "east")
    		// common bases for dem and ctf
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "-750 630 -15.88 0 SE: Wine Cellar" "1043 2085 512.13 0 NW: Files" winecasks smallfilecab
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "-1502 797 220.13 -45 SE: Typewriter" "1237 2631 672.13 180 NW: Trunk" typewriter trunk
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "-189 1275 95.13 -45 C: Beef" "1121 1504 432.17 -90 C: Sausage" beef sausage
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "1105 277 304.13 0 NE: Flour Bag" "-447 2320 384.19 -90 SW: Nebelwerfer" flourbag nebelwerfer
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "324 -200 48.13 -150 E: Flak Cannon"  "820 2385 384.13 180 W: Picnic Table" 20mmflak umbrellatable
    		// additional bases for ctf only
    		if (level.mef_gametype == "ctf" || level.mef_gametype == "ftctf")
    			waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "225 16 72.13 -90" "380 2263 384.13 90"
    	} else
    		// common bases for dem and ctf
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "1105 1941 512.13 90 NW: Files" "-750 630 -15.88 0 SE: Wine Cellar" smallfilecab winecasks
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "1237 2631 672.13 180 NW: Trunk" "-1502 797 220.13 -45 SE: Typewriter" trunk typewriter
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "1121 1504 432.17 -90 C: Sausage" "-189 1275 95.13 -45 C: Beef" sausage beef
    		//waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "-447 2320 384.19 -90 SW: Nebelwerfer" "1105 277 304.13 0 NE: Flour Bag" nebelwerfer flourbag
    		waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "820 2385 384.13 180 W: Picnic Table" "324 -200 48.13 -150 E: Flak Cannon" umbrellatable 20mmflak
    		// additional bases for ctf only
    		if (level.mef_gametype == "ctf" || level.mef_gametype == "ftctf")
    			waitthread global/libmef/bases.scr::addbasepair "380 2263 384.13 90" "225 16 72.13 -90"
    //*** --------------------------------------------
    //*** "Allies Victory"
    //*** --------------------------------------------
    	level waittill allieswin
    //*** --------------------------------------------
    //*** "Axis Victory"
    //*** --------------------------------------------
    	while(level.targets_destroyed < level.targets_to_destroy)
    	waitthread global/libmef/util.scr::do_teamwin axis
    if (level.mef_baseversion == "sh" || level.mef_baseversion == "bt")
    	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" ( loc_convert_string "Defend the Radio" )
    	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" ( loc_convert_string "at all costs!" )
    	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" ""
    	setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" ""
    	setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" ( loc_convert_string "Find and Destroy" )
    	setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" ( loc_convert_string "the Allies Radio!" )
     setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "- Defend the Radio" 
     setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "at all costs!!"
     setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" ""
     setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "- Find and destroy"
     setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "the Northwest"
     setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "radio."
    	level waittill prespawn
    waitthread setupobj
    	level waittill spawn
    level.defusing_team = "allies"
    level.planting_team = "axis"
    level.targets_to_destroy = 1 
    level.bomb_damage = 200
    level.bomb_explosion_radius = 1054
    	if (level.mef_gametype != "ftobj")
    		level.dmrespawning = 0 // 1 or 0
    	level.dmroundlimit = 5 // round time limit in minutes
    	level.clockside = allies // set to axis, allies, kills, or draw
    	if(getcvar obj_debug != "1")
    		waitthread global/libmef/util.scr::waittill_roundstart
    	$bomb1 thread global/libmef/bomb.scr::bomb_thinker
    	$bomb1 thread allies_win_timer
    	thread axis_win_bomb
    radio local.origin local.angles:
    //local.angles = ( 0 local.angle 0 )
    local.x = (angles_toforward local.angles)
    local.y = (angles_toleft local.angles) * -1
    local.z = angles_toup local.angles
    	spawn script_model "model" "fx/dummy.tik" "targetname" "kaboom"
    	$kaboom.origin = local.origin
    	$kaboom notsolid
    if (level.mef_baseversion == "sh" || level.mef_baseversion == "bt")
    	if(getcvar compassobjective == "1")
    	set_objective_pos $kaboom
    local.flak = spawn script_model
    local.flak model "miscobj/radio_military.tik"
    //local.flak model "static/static_enigmaopen.tik"
    local.flak.origin = local.origin//(local.origin + (local.z * -2.0))
    local.flak.angles = local.angles
    local.flak.targetname = "flak88_weapon1"
    local.flak.destroyed_model = "emitters/barracks_explosion.tik"
    local.bomb = spawn script_model
    local.bomb model "items/pulse_explosive.tik"
    local.bomb.origin = (local.origin + (local.x * 7.75) + (local.y * -20.78 ))	//(local.origin + (local.x * 7.75) + (local.y * -20.78 ) + (local.z * -2.0))
    local.bomb.angles = local.angles
    local.bomb.targetname = "bomb1"
    local.bomb.explosion_sound = "grenade_explode"
    local.bomb.explosion_fx = "models/emitters/barracks_explosion.tik"
    local.bomb.trigger_name = "flak88_weapon1_trigger" = "flak88_weapon1"
    local.trigger = spawn trigger_use
    local.trigger.targetname = "flak88_weapon1_trigger"
    local.trigger.origin = (local.origin + (local.x * -7.75) + (local.y * -20.78) + (local.z * -2.0))
    local.trigger setsize ( -30 -30 -30 ) ( 30 30 30 )
    local.trigger.angles = local.angles
    ////------setup random spots for the radio--- = makeArray
    ( 1222 2588 433 )( 0 90 0 )
    ( 1290 2793 722 )( 0 -90 0 )
    local.random = randomint(
    local.random_coords =[local.random][1]
    local.random_angles =[local.random][2]
    thread radio local.random_coords local.random_angles
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 992 -104 0)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1144 -552 256)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 912 -96 0)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -968 96 104)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1272 32 136)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -776 376 328)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -704 352 -8)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -864 352 -16)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1504 304 176)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1176 1064 24)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -816 -392 48)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 976 -528 0)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1024 664 168)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 848 792 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1176 672 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1448 2216 512)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1512 2680 392)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -288 1240 48)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -264 1232 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1192 1568 392)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1056 664 168)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1264 -16 136)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -928 96 104)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -848 -344 48)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 992 -48 0)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 784 792 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1128 640 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1448 2176 512)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1512 2744 392)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1232 1568 392)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -216 1432 48)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -1208 1112 24)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 1352 2528 672)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 608 1528 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -216 1232 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( -823 2367 384)
    	waitexec global/global_spawn.scr::spawn_block_trigger ( 953 3135 560)
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 335.88 1297.89 48.50) angle 174
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( -285.68 1437.56 48.50) angle 48
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( -347.07 1198.09 385.50) angle 80
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1074.12 2049.84 512.13) angle 86
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1247.14 2007.19 513) angle -177
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 967.67 1599.98 384.50) angle -5
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( -800.95 2204.61 384.50) angle 0
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 172.54 2989.84 256.13) angle -94
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1510.80 2731.17 384.50) angle 178
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1098.16 2593.49 385) angle 90
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1382.20 2719.12 672.50) angle 178
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 1296.79 2471.01 672.50) angle 160
    local.allied = spawn info_player_allied origin ( 849.12 1888.74 320.50) angle 82
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -1421 779 168 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -1490 474 168 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -1486 304 168 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -1233 24 128 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -842 346 48 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 226 -380 16 ) angle 89
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 896 -575 0 ) angle 90
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 946 -67 0 ) angle -94
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 1161 -525 256 ) angle 178
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 1172 -59 256 ) angle -177
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 360 -173 48 ) angle 88
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 73 -179 48 ) angle 88
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -219 365 48 ) angle 0
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( 645 287 48 ) angle 179
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -689 386 -15 ) angle 90
    local.axis = spawn info_player_axis origin ( -902 416 -15 ) angle 90

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    If you want to block a particular spawn you need to know its coords. I assume those you shared are the ones. Try adding this line into mohdm1.scr before level waittill spawn and see if it wokrs.

            local.static = spawn script_model
    	local.static model "static/dish.tik"     
    	local.static.origin = ( -823 2367 384 )		 
    	local.static.angles = ( 0 0 0 )
    	local.static solid
    	local.static scale 0.1
    	local.static = spawn script_model
    	local.static model "static/dish.tik"     
    	local.static.origin = ( 953 3135 560 )		 
    	local.static.angles = ( 0 0 0 )
    	local.static solid
    	local.static scale 0.1
    Last edited by Konig; March 4th, 2022 at 06:53 PM.

  6. #6


    That worked! Thanks!

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