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Thread: Problem: HI Standard Silenced Pistol Mod

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  1. #1
    Senior Member verruguitens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Question Problem: HI Standard Silenced Pistol Mod

    Hello people, how is everyone? all the soldiers for the HI Standard Silenced Pistol, check the mod and it is perfect in all the weapons of all the soldiers but, in the British soldiers with the DeLisle gun I find that the HI Standard Silenced Pistol has 5/63 bullets, while the mod is so that it only has 5 bullets, how can this be ?, what is happening ?, I tried adding the path of the DeLisle.tik weapon to the Dmprecache but it did not work either, someone could help me please if it is not much inconvenience?, is for use in MOHBT

    Soldiers UK

    DeLisle Weapon

    A thousand apologies, I tried everything, but I can't get the "Sublime Text" to work.

    HTML Code:
        if (level.spawnChecked){ end }
        level.spawnChecked = 1;
        while (1){
            level waittill playerspawn
            local.player = parm.other
            if (local.player.dmteam != "spectator"){
                local.player take "models/weapons/colt45.tik"
                local.player take "models/weapons/p38.tik"
    			local.player take "models/weapons/Webley_Revolver.tik"
    			local.player take "models/weapons/It_W_Beretta.tik"
    			local.player take "models/weapons/Nagant_revolver.tik"
                local.player give "models/weapons/silencedpistol.tik"

    HTML Code:
    	scale 0.52			// Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's
    	path models/weapons/highstandard
    	skelmodel hs_pistol.skd
    	surface pistol1 shader hi_standard
    	surface pistol2 shader hi_standard
    	surface clip shader hi_standard
    $define sounddir sound/weapons
    	//		WEAPON NAME		  //
    		classname		Weapon
    		weapontype		pistol
    		name			"Hi-Standard Silenced"
    		rank			160 160
    	//		WEAPON ACCURACY 	  //
    		sp bulletrange		4000
    		sp bulletspread		35 35 150 150	//original 5 5 150 150, was 25 25 150 150 before getting beef up by z
    		dm bulletrange		4000
    		dm bulletspread		25 25 150 150	//original 5 5 150 150
    		realism bulletrange		4000
    		realism bulletspread	25 25 150 150	//original 5 5 150 150
    	//		DAMAGE / RATE OF FIRE	  //
    		sp bulletdamage		100 // was 55 before getting beefed up by z
    		dm bulletdamage		50
    		realism bulletdamage		60
    		sp firedelay		1.0
    		dm firedelay		1.0
    		realism firedelay		1.0
    	//		PLAYER MOVEMENT		  //
    		sp movementspeed 	1.0
    		dm movementspeed	1.0
    		realism movementspeed	1.0
    		secondary firetype		melee
    		secondary ammotype		none
    		secondary meansofdeath		bash
    		secondary ammorequired		0
    		secondary bulletknockback	50
    		secondary quiet
    		sp secondary bulletrange	64
    		sp secondary bulletdamage	35
    		dm secondary bulletrange	96
    		dm secondary bulletdamage	35
    		realism secondary bulletrange	96
    		realism secondary bulletdamage	35
    	//		AMMO			  //
    		firetype		bullet
    		ammotype		"pistol"
    		meansofdeath	bullet
    		bulletcount		1
    		clipsize		5
    		ammorequired	1
    		sp startammo	5
    		dm startammo	5
    		sprealism startammo	5
    		dmrealism startammo	5
    		sp tracerfrequency 	1
    		dm tracerfrequency 	0
    		sprealism tracerfrequency 	1
    		dmrealism tracerfrequency 	0
    		crosshair		1
    	//		SOUND, AI, OTHER	  //
    		pickupsound		silencer_snd_pickup
    		ammopickupsound	silencer_snd_pickup_ammo
    		noammosound		silencer_snd_noammo
    		// Holstering info
    //		holstertag		"Bip01 Pelvis"
    //		holsteroffset	"1.5 -4 -10.0"
    //		holsterangles	"5 190 195"
    //		holsterScale	1.0
    		// AI animation group info
    		weapongroup		pistol
    		airange			short
    		quiet // don't notify AI of it being fired
    		// this is attached to the player during reload
    		cache models/ammo/silencedpistol_clip.tik
    		cache tracer.spr
    		cache muzsprite.spr
    		cache models/ammo/pistolshell.tik
    	idle     hs_pistol.skc
    	reload 	hs_pistol_reload.skc
    			18 surface clip	+nodraw
    			39 surface clip -nodraw
    			last idle
    				entry sound silencer_snd_reload item
    	secondaryfire     hs_pistol.skc
    			entry shoot secondary
    	fire    hs_pistol_fire.skc
    			entry shoot primary
    			entry stopaliaschannel silencer_snd_fire
    			entry sound silencer_snd_fire
    			// By now, the server has already fired the weapon, so it's
    			// ok to apply the view kick apon entry to avoid problems
    			// with multiple application on single frame animations.
    			// View Kick Controls
    			// View Kicking works based on the assumptions that every weapon has its own tendencies to kick in
    			// a paticular fashion. In MOH we call then scatter patterns. Currently we have 2 scatter patterns which
    			// will be explained.
    			// Scatter Patterns:
    			// "V" - the cone. The longer you shoot the more random your shots will be in the horizontal axis.
    			// "T" - the T shape. The gun has a tendancy to push in a paticular direction. not used much...too artificial looking
    			//             		+-------------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Min
    			//              		|    +--------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Max
    			//              		|    |       +------------------------------- Scatter Yaw Min
    			//             		|    |       |   +--------------------------- Scatter Yaw Max
    			//             		|    |       |   |     +--------------------- The Recentering speed in fraction per second
    			//              		|    |       |   |     |    +---------------- The Scatter Pattern
    			//              		|    |       |   |     |    |     +---------- The absolute pitch min/max
    			//              		|    |       |   |     |    |     |  +------- The absolute yaw min/max
    			//              		|    |       |   |     |    |     |  | +----- This is the pitch at which you loose all
    			//              		|    |       |   |     |    |     |  | |      control of the weapon and its behavior is
    			//             	 	|    |       |   |     |    |     |  | |      purely random.
    			//				V    V       V   V     V    V     V  V V
    			entry viewkick 	    -0.2 -0.2   0.0  0.0    1   "V"    3.0 1.0 1.6
    			// muzzle flash
    			entry tagdlight tag_barrel 0.25 0.2 0.15 120 0.11
    			entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel
    				scale 0.2
    				offsetalongaxis 2 0 0
    				count 1
    				alpha 0.5
    				model muzsprite.spr
    				angles 0 0 crandom 25
    				life 0.01
    			// smoke puff
    //			entry commanddelay 0.05 tagspawn tag_barrel
    //			(
    //				volumetric
    //				model gun			// sets the type of smoke
    //				life 10				// amount of smoke
    //				scale 1.0			// radius
    //				alpha 0.3			// density
    //				color 0.7 0.7 0.7		// RBG color of the smoke
    //				velocity 2			// base velocity away from the surface
    //				randvelaxis random 6 0 0	// velocity offset
    //				offsetalongaxis random 4 0 0	// positional offset
    //			)
    			// shell eject
    			entry commanddelay 0.1 tagspawn tag_eject
    				count 1
    				model models/ammo/pistolshell.tik
    				spawnrange 1024
    				scale 1.0
    				velocity 50
    				randvel crandom 10 crandom 10 random 20
    				emitterangles 0 0 0
    				avelocity crandom 90 crandom 90 0
    				accel 0 0 -800
    				physicsrate 20
    				life 2.0
    				fadedelay 1.7
    				bouncefactor 0.6
    				bouncesoundonce snd_pistol_shell
    			// shell eject puff
    			entry commanddelay 0.1 tagspawn tag_eject
    				count 2
    				model vsssource.spr
    				alpha 0.30
    				color 0.50 0.50 0.50
    				scale 0.10
    				life 1.00
    				scalerate 10.00
    				velocity 60.00
    				randvel range 20 -60 crandom -40 range 20 -60
    				friction 5.00
    /*QUAKED addon_playerweapon_allied_highstandard-pistol (0.0 0.0 1.0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
    American highperformance Pistol


    HTML Code:
    cache models/weapons/colt45.tik
    cache models/weapons/p38.tik
    cache models/weapons/silencedpistol.tik
    cache models/weapons/m1_garand.tik
    cache models/weapons/kar98.tik
    cache models/weapons/kar98sniper.tik
    cache models/weapons/springfield.tik
    cache models/weapons/thompsonsmg.tik
    cache models/weapons/mp40.tik
    cache models/weapons/mp44.tik
    cache models/weapons/bar.tik
    cache models/weapons/bazooka.tik
    cache models/weapons/panzerschreck.tik
    cache models/weapons/shotgun.tik
    cache models/weapons/m2frag_grenade.tik
    cache models/weapons/steilhandgranate.tik
    cache models/statweapons/flak88turret.tik
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_gun.tik
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_gun_fake.tik
    cache models/player/allied_airborne.tik
    cache models/player/allied_airborne_fps.tik
    cache models/player/allied_manon.tik
    cache models/player/allied_manon_fps.tik
    cache models/player/allied_oss.tik
    cache models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    cache models/player/allied_pilot.tik
    cache models/player/allied_pilot_fps.tik
    cache models/player/american_army.tik
    cache models/player/american_army_fps.tik
    cache models/player/american_ranger.tik
    cache models/player/american_ranger_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_afrika_officer.tik
    cache models/player/german_afrika_officer_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_afrika_private.tik
    cache models/player/german_afrika_private_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    cache models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_elite_sentry.tik
    cache models/player/german_elite_sentry_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_elite_sentry_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_kradshutzen.tik
    cache models/player/german_kradshutzen_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_grenadier.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_grenadier_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_obershutze.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_obershutze_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_shutze.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_shutze_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_tankcommander.tik
    cache models/player/german_panzer_tankcommander_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_scientist.tik
    cache models/player/german_scientist_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_waffenss_officer.tik
    cache models/player/german_waffenss_officer_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_waffenss_shutze.tik
    cache models/player/german_waffenss_shutze_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_wehrmacht_officer.tik
    cache models/player/german_wehrmacht_officer_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_wehrmacht_soldier.tik
    cache models/player/german_wehrmacht_soldier_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_winter1.tik
    cache models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_winter2.tik
    cache models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    cache models/player/german_worker.tik
    cache models/player/german_worker_fps.tik
    cache models/vehicles/kingtank.tik
    cache models/vehicles/tigertank.tik
    cache models/vehicles/shermantank.tik
    cache models/vehicles/sdkfz.tik
    cache models/vehicles/vehiclesoundentity.tik
    cache models/vehicles/jeep.tik
    cache models/vehicles/opeltruck.tik
    cache models/vehicles/kingcannon.tik
    cache models/vehicles/tigercannon.tik
    cache models/vehicles/jeep_30cal_viewmodel.tik
    cache models/vehicles/jeep_30cal.tik
    level waittill spawn
    exec global/mod_silenciadora.scr


  2. #2
    Senior Member verruguitens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017



    Only change the script of "mod_silenciadora.scr" for this script and work perfect:

    HTML Code:
        if (level.spawnChecked){ end }
        level.spawnChecked = 1;
        while (1){
            level waittill playerspawn
            local.player = parm.other
            if (local.player.dmteam != "spectator"){
                local.player take "models/weapons/colt45.tik"
                local.player take "models/weapons/p38.tik"
                local.player take "models/weapons/Webley_Revolver.tik"
                local.player take "models/weapons/It_W_Beretta.tik"
                local.player take "models/weapons/Nagant_revolver.tik"           
                local.player give "models/weapons/silencedpistol.tik"
                local.player ammo "pistol" 200 200
                wait 0.001
                local.player ammo "pistol" -200

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