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Thread: Weird texture problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Weird texture problem

    I don't know what's going on with my map. I was working fine but now I got this missing texture square. The brush is still there, but the texture is missing in that spot. I dind't even was working in that spot of the map. Any ideas?



  2. #2


    There may be something in the compile log about it.

    Have you tried remaking it? Is it structural and does it need to be?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Fixed. I've just deleted the brush and remade it.

    Why when I test the map localy my fps run good but when I test it online with some friends fps drops? The map is still beta, so I use fast vis and light. I didn't use any hint brush nor area portals (I'm not goot at all with that). And in some places you can fall out of the map, and there are some building missing at the edge of the map. I don't know if it has something to do with the fps.

  4. #4
    Administrator James's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    on the intraweb


    Well I'm not a mapper, but the brush and area portals control how the game is rendering the objects. Let me try and explain it a bit differently...
    Let's assume you had a wallhack. If you go into a map with no hint brush, then you can basically see from 1 end of the map to the other without any problems (with the wallhack)... If you play the same map, only you add hint brushes and other vis/ area portals, then it will block the rendering of the wallhack. Now this seems like a great idea, but you have a limit of how many hint brush you use because it requires a lot more calculations on the serverside. As long as you use it accordingly you can get a map that is nice to play on without spiking your fps. Maybe smithy can explain it better because I'm really not a mapper, but I guess you want to use hint brush an area portal to control the rendering on the map. Otherwise everything gets rendered and it will cause lower FPS. Especially if you have more players.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by James View Post
    Well I'm not a mapper, but the brush and area portals control how the game is rendering the objects. Let me try and explain it a bit differently...
    Let's assume you had a wallhack. If you go into a map with no hint brush, then you can basically see from 1 end of the map to the other without any problems (with the wallhack)... If you play the same map, only you add hint brushes and other vis/ area portals, then it will block the rendering of the wallhack. Now this seems like a great idea, but you have a limit of how many hint brush you use because it requires a lot more calculations on the serverside. As long as you use it accordingly you can get a map that is nice to play on without spiking your fps. Maybe smithy can explain it better because I'm really not a mapper, but I guess you want to use hint brush an area portal to control the rendering on the map. Otherwise everything gets rendered and it will cause lower FPS. Especially if you have more players.
    I'll try some tutorials I've found and see if it improves the fps.

    Now, looking into the compiler log I see this. Any ideas what is going on? I tried serching the brushes but nothing is shown.

    18405 files in pk3 files
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 575: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 575: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 576: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 576: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 577: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 577: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 578: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 578: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 579: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 579: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 580: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 580: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 581: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 581: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 582: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 582: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 583: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 583: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 584: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 584: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 585: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 585: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 586: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 586: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 587: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 587: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 588: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 588: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 589: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 589: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 590: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 590: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 591: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 591: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 592: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 592: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 593: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 593: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 594: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 594: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 595: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 595: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 596: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 596: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 597: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 597: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 598: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 598: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 599: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 599: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 600: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 600: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 601: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 601: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 602: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 602: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 603: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 603: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 604: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 604: mirrored plane
    FloatPlane: bad normal
    Entity 0, Brush 605: degenerate plane
    Entity 0, Brush 605: mirrored plane
    WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/notexture
    *** Entity 0, Brush 3059, bounds (-28 1474 452) - (-12 1574 500)
    ^-- Fence masks must only be used with fence or nodraw.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Now I have this weird random brush showing in game. In the editor there's nothing draw there, It's just appeared. I did nothing in that specific spot. I don't know what is going on with my map lately



    I delete everything around that spot and rebuild, just to try, and it's still there.

  7. #7


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