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Thread: Collecting ueberdialog.scr in diff. Languages for Mohaa Warchest

  1. #1

    Default Collecting ueberdialog.scr in diff. Languages for Mohaa Warchest

    I like to collect all the überdialog files from Medal of Honor War Chest edition in different Languages.

    I want to make them all Coop Mod compatible.
    We have so far:

    The File is named ueberdialog.scr and is located inside one of the pk3 files of /main/, /mainta/ and /maintt/ with a later alphabetical name.
    So for example if you have the file in pak1.pk3 and in pak2.pk3 I need the one from pak2.pk3 because that would be the one the game is using. (Reversed alphabetical order)

    I would appreciate any help with that.
    If you rather send the file per Mail send me a pm please

    Please put it in a compressed zip archive before sending.
    I intend to modify it and add it to the mod for everyone to use.


    (I did edit this post because I realized we need the file from all AA, SH and BT)
    Last edited by chrissstrahl; December 30th, 2020 at 02:00 PM.

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