Originally Posted by
Old Fox
level.ft_goodjobsound["allies"] = "goodjobsound"
level.ft_goodjobsound["axis"] = "goodjobsound"
I don't understand what is this for..
Try and add your "goodjobsound" in util.scr it might work.
do_teamwin local.team:
if (level.mef_basegametype == NIL)
teamwin local.team
local.team playsound goodjobsound
teamwin_wrapper local.team:
if (level.mef_basegametype != 4 || level.mef_basegametype != 5 || level.mef_basegametype != 6)
setcvar "g_gametype" "4" // Objective Match
teamwin local.team
local.team playsound goodjobsound
setcvar "g_gametype" level.mef_basegametype
You will have to add the aliascache for your "goodjobsound" first to work.
Edit: If it don't work try "$player playsound goodjobsound"