Hello @ All.
I would thank you all to Help me out in the last two weeks with my nearly solved problems and i think it´s time to give you
all something back.
So here are my scripts to convert/play obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 and obj/obj_team4 in FFA Gametype !
These scripts are running well on my Server ( Der Fuchsbau eV. FFA MODDED ) at theMoment.
But at first, you need some extra script in your Server.cfg as follow ....
Server.cfg ---only the extra Scripts that has to add
seta g_gametype "4"
seta timelimit "15"
seta fraglimit "50"
set g_ft_settings "cvar: meltgun scanvis"
set g_extgametype_mohdm1 ffa // on Southern France
set g_extgametype_mohdm2 ffa // on Destroyed Village
set g_extgametype_mohdm3 ffa // on Remagen
//set g_extgametype_mohdm4 ffa // on Crossroads // Dissabled on my Server
//set g_extgametype_mohdm5 ffa // on Snowy Park // Dissabled on my Server
//set g_extgametype_mohdm6 ffa // on Stalingrad // Dissabled on my Server
set g_extgametype_mohdm7 ffa // on Algiers
set g_extgametype_obj_team1 ffa // on The Hunt
set g_extgametype_obj_team2 ffa // on V2 Rocket Facility
set g_extgametype_obj_team3 ffa // on Omaha Beach
set g_extgametype_obj_team4 ffa // on The Bridge
Now the converted OBJ to FFA Scripts:
obj/obj_team1 with antishark
// SCRIPTING: NED and lots of help from ZIED
setcvar "g_gametype" "1"
setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All"
setcvar "level.clockside" "kills"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "The Hunt"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Der Fuchsbau eV."
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "sagt Willkommen !"
//setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "https://ogy.de/fuchsbau"
//setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Freie Mitgliedschaft"
//setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "JETZT Beitreten ! "
setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "objdm1"
waitexec maps/servermessage.scr::message // Optional if you have Server messages
//FFA Spawn Points added
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1120 5056 -149.99" angle 35
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "4367 1377 -350.75" angle -100
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1144 3859 -176.63" angle 92
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3054 496 -345.85" angle -36
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2911 1638 -323.63" angle -16
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2802 4891 -199.09" angle -130
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3325 1456 -52.57" angle -120
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "4015 915 -319.72" angle -38
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2880 4885 -196.25" angle -58
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "4478 1462 -341.12" angle 25
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1519 3760 -224.12" angle 0
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3961 -1332 -351.88" angle 87
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2330 4275 19.13" angle -72
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1451 64 -271.88" angle -91
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2987 4236 -39.88" angle -51
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3572 1045 -318.34" angle 21
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2631 2966 -247.88" angle 80
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2930 4889 -199.37" angle -60
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2911 2827 -249.83" angle -10
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3471 3287 -255.76" angle 40
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "4517 4174 -310.35" angle -121
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "4184 1392 -159.88" angle -152
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3334 3305 -254.53" angle -93
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2068 1007 -351.23" angle -20
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "5296 3410 -289.88" angle -40
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1280 55 -271.88" angle 142
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3495 2801 -239.68" angle -3
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1272 -823 -280.57" angle -142
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3999 2736 -79.88" angle -54
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2279 -831 -287.68" angle -45
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3423 2222 -200.18" angle 80
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2279 83 -302.47" angle 27
level waittill prespawn
//*** Precache Dm Stuff
exec global/DMprecache.scr
// level.script = maps/obj/obj_team1.scr
exec global/ambient.scr obj_team1
thread clipbrush
thread spawnem
level waittill spawn
$defusing_team remove
$planting_team remove
$targets_to_destroy remove
// set the parameters for this round based match
$flak88_weapon1_trigger remove
$flak88_weapon1_explosive remove
$flak88_weapon1 remove
$flak88_target1 remove
$flak88_base1 remove
$flak88_weapon1_explosive remove
level waittill roundstart
// bomb planting setup
$flak88_weapon1_trigger remove
$flak88_weapon1_explosive remove
$flak88_weapon1 remove
$flak88_target1 remove
$flak88_base1 remove
$flak88_weapon1_explosive remove
local.clipbrush = spawn trigger_multipleall
local.clipbrush.origin = ( 1845 786 -511.88 )
local.clipbrush setsize ( -10000 -10000 0 ) ( 10000 10000 0 )
local.clipbrush waittill trigger
local.clipbrush setthread sharkfix
local.clipbrush delay 0
local.trig = parm.other
local.trig stufftext "say Admin, I Tried Getting to a Place I Shouldn't. Please Kick Me If I Keep Doing It!"
local.trig iprintln "ATTENTION: Out of Bounds Player Detected"
local.trig kill
setcvar "g_gametype" "1"
setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All"
setcvar "level.clockside" "kills"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "V2 ROCKET FACILITY"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Der Fuchsbau eV."
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "sagt Willkommen !"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "https://ogy.de/fuchsbau"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Freie Mitgliedschaft"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "JETZT Beitreten ! "
setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "objdm2"
waitexec maps/servermessage.scr::message //Optional if you have Server messages
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1401 906 -459.85" angle -95
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "15 1455 8.13" angle 40
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-222 312 -447.88" angle 155
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1398 912 0.13" angle -51
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-400 2072 -447.88" angle -39
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "651 529 0.13" angle -50
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "67 2397 -447.88" angle 138
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "786 -5 0.13" angle 140
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1207 2488 -447.88" angle -48
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "200 1005 0.13" angle -7
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "831 2464 -447.88" angle 120
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1529 2721 0.13" angle 158
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "471 2448 16.13" angle -93
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1472 2116 -511.88" angle -45
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1423 1978 -527.47" angle 177
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2323 2543 -783.88" angle -92
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "315 538 -239.88" angle 135
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2048 2192 -651.88" angle -95
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "427 218 -767.88" angle 86
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1559 2537 0.12" angle -54
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1119 1431 -479.88" angle 41
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2528 2544 -507.88" angle -96
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "3340 2223 -511.88" angle 125
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1551 2544 -447.88" angle -85
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "59 1139 -511.88" angle 34
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1199 519 -447.88" angle 54
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2815 2559 0.13" angle 44
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "691 798 -447.88" angle -4
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1727 2848 0.13" angle -43
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "712 -15 -239.88" angle 125
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1103 1919 0.13" angle 42
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-160 1711 -447.88" angle 19
level waittill prespawn
//*** Precache Dm Stuff
exec global/DMprecache.scr
//***Flyby Planes
exec global/bomber.scr
thread flyby
//***Ambient sounds
level.script = maps/obj/obj_team2.scr
exec global/ambient.scr obj_team2
exec global/door_locked.scr::lock
thread global/exploder.scr::main
thread global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel
level waittill spawn
$defusing_team remove
$planting_team remove
$targets_to_destroy remove
$v2_bomb remove
$v2_explode remove
$ctrlroom_explode remove
$ctrlroom_bomb remove
$bomb_message remove
$bombspeaker remove
level waittill roundstart
$v2_bomb remove
$v2_explode remove
$ctrlroom_explode remove
$ctrlroom_bomb remove
$bomb_message remove
$bombspeaker remove
thread flyby
//***random flyby of plane
wait 1.0
thread global/bomber.scr::bomb 4
thread global/bomber.scr::bomb 5
thread global/bomber.scr::bomb 6
thread global/bomber.scr::bomb 7
wait (randomint(180) + 60)
goto flyby
//Display objectives
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::blank_objectives
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::add_objectives 1 2 "Destroy the V2 rocket and the Launch Control Room" //$v2_bomb.origin
// wait 2
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::current_objectives 1
local.player = parm.other
if ( ( self.ham_type == "trig_use" ) &&
( ! local.player.useheld ) )
if ( ( self.ham_type == "trig_fire" ) &&
( ! local.player.fireheld ) )
local.playerId = local.player.entnum + 1
thread level.mam_f_utils::debug 80 "Trig: Player #" local.playerId \
" brush = " self.entnum \
" action = " self.ham_action
local.team = self.ham_team[ local.playerId ]
local.time = self.ham_time[ local.playerId ]
if ( ( local.team != "" ) &&
( local.team != local.player.dmteam ) &&
( ( level.time - local.time ) < 30.0 ) )
local.tmChange = 1
local.tmChange = 0
self.ham_team[ local.playerId ] = local.player.dmteam
self.ham_time[ local.playerId ] = level.time
if ( self.ham_type == "trig_mg" )
if ( local.tmChange == 0 )
switch ( self.ham_action )
case "hurt1": local.player hurt 1 ; break
case "hurt5": local.player hurt 5 ; break
case "hurt10": local.player hurt 10 ; break
case "hurt25": local.player hurt 25 ; break
case "hurt50": local.player hurt 50 ; break
case "die": local.player hurt 10000 ; break
case "kill": local.player kill ; break
case "respawn": local.player respawn ; break
case "weapnext":local.player weapnext ; break
case "weapdrop":local.player weapdrop ; break
case "holster": local.player safeholster 1 ; break
case "stand": local.player modheight stand ; break
case "duck": local.player modheight duck ; break
case "ciact": thread outofbounds local.player ; break
case "warn": thread sendwarning local.player ; break
default: local.player stufftext self.ham_action ; break
setcvar "g_gametype" "1"
setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All"
setcvar "level.clockside" "kills"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "Omaha Beach"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Der Fuchsbau eV."
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "sagt Willkommen !"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "https://ogy.de/fuchsbau"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Freie Mitgliedschaft"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "JETZT Beitreten ! "
level.script = maps/obj/obj_team5.scr
exec global/ambient.scr obj_team5
setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "objdm5"
waitexec maps/servermessage.scr::message // Optional if you use Server messages
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2182 -5438 -523.61" angle 64
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-771 -5253 -512.17" angle 110
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-616 -1623 -503.88" angle 84
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1319 -1496 -503.88" angle 90
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2394 93 -571.88" angle -66
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2390 410 -319.88" angle 176
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1008 -688 -539.88" angle 170
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "419 406 -319.88" angle -10
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2431 346 -319.88" angle 166
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1676 107 -127.88" angle 174
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1785 -451 64.13" angle 176
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "787 1107 64.13" angle 38
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1179 951 -319.88" angle 177
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "736 1352 256.13" angle -177
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2092 931 256.13" angle 120
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1379 -60 256.13" angle 38
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1046 -448 256.13" angle 128
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1951 2432 249.69" angle -95
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1264 2096 320.13" angle -130
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1076 -1599 -549.47" angle 25
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-406 -639 -333.85" angle -43
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1161 2384 384.13" angle -45
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1373 183 248.13" angle 0
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "79 1184 248.13" angle -21
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1454 800 248.13" angle -130
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-15 2128 322.13" angle -127
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2479 823 356.63" angle -137
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-703 1180 328.13" angle 166
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1856 -1247 -503.88" angle 89
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "2304 1540 334.31" angle -140
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-560 1443 328.13" angle 51
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "79 1517 320.13" angle 55
$defusing_team remove
$planting_team remove
$targets_to_destroy remove
$bangalore_left hide
$bangalore_nopulse_left hide
$bangalore_explosion_left1 anim start
$bangalore_explosion_left2 anim start
radiusdamage $bangalore_explosion_left2.origin 640 384
$bangalore_nopulse_left hide
$barbwire_clip_left delete
$barbwire_collision_left delete
$barbwire_left delete
$bangalore_center hide
$bangalore_nopulse_center hide
$bangalore_explosion_center1 anim start
$bangalore_explosion_center2 anim start
radiusdamage $bangalore_nopulse_center.origin 640 384
$bangalore_nopulse_center hide
$barbwire_clip_center delete
$barbwire_collision_center delete
$barbwire_center delete
$bangalore_right hide
$bangalore_nopulse_right hide
$bangalore_explosion_right1 anim start
$bangalore_explosion_right2 anim start
radiusdamage $bangalore_nopulse_right.origin 640 384
$bangalore_nopulse_right hide
$barbwire_clip_right delete
$barbwire_collision_right delete
$barbwire_right delete
level waittill prespawn
exec global/DMprecache.scr
thread global/minefield.scr::minefield_setup
$spawn_allied1 enablespawn
$spawn_allied2 enablespawn
$spawn_allied3 enablespawn
$spawn_allied4 enablespawn
$spawn_axis1 enablespawn
$spawn_axis2 enablespawn
$spawn_axis3 enablespawn
$spawn_axis4 enablespawn
$bangalore_nopulse_left hide
$bangalore_nopulse_center hide
$bangalore_nopulse_right hide
$88mm_trigger1 hide
// $88mm_weapon1 hide
$88mm_trigger2 hide
// $88mm_weapon2 hide
// $88mm_weapon_base hide
$world northyaw 270
$world farplane 7500
$world farplane_color (0.625 0.613 0.601)
// Modifikationen start Added some Trees and a Submarine
//Strand spawnpoint Baum 1
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "static/tree_oak.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 5197 -2000 -214 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
//Strand spawnpoint Baum 2
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "static/tree_oak.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 4197 -1800 -100 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
//Strand spawnpoint Baum 3
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "static/tree_oak.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 6420 -1524 -305 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
//Strand spawnpoint Kanone 1 Bunker
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "statweapons/flak88_d.tik"
local.static.origin = ( -1129 -693 296 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 270 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
//Strand spawnpoint Kanone 2 Bunker
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "statweapons/flak88turret.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 1593 -320 276 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 270 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
// Seite Baum 1
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "static/tree_oak.tik"
local.static.origin = ( -433 2548 293 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
// Seite Baum 2
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "static/tree_oak.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 213 2548 283 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
// stukka destroyed
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "vehicles/stuka_d.tik"
local.static.origin = ( -1957 768 396 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
// uboot
local.static = spawn script_model
local.static model "vehicles/uboat.tik"
local.static.origin = ( 3005 -7098 -641 )
local.static.angles = ( 0 )
local.static solid
local.static immune bullet
local.static immune fast_bullet
local.static immune bash
local.static immune mg
local.static immune rifle
local.static immune explosion
local.static nodamage
// Modifikationen ende
level waittill spawn
$88mm_explosive1 hide
$88mm_explosive2 hide
thread random_explode_setup
thread spawnem
level waittill roundstart
local.healthitem2 = spawn models/items/item_100_healthbox.tik
local.healthitem2.origin = ( 1539 -208 86.88 )
local.healthitem2.angles = ( 0 90 0 )
local.healthitem2 = spawn models/items/item_100_healthbox.tik
local.healthitem2.origin = ( 992 -206 -495.88 )
local.healthitem2.angles = ( 0 90 0 )
local.healthitem2 = spawn models/items/item_100_healthbox.tik
local.healthitem2.origin = ( 1705 110.20 -99.88 )
local.healthitem2.angles = ( 0 90 0 )
local.healthitem3 = spawn models/items/item_100_healthbox.tik
local.healthitem3.origin = ( 1462.29 1302.75 112.13 )
local.healthitem3.angles = ( 0 90 0 )
local.healthitem3 = spawn models/items/item_100_healthbox.tik
local.healthitem3.origin = ( 1756.62 454.32 112.13 )
local.healthitem3.angles = ( 0 90 0 )
//*** --------------------------------------------
//*** "Random Beach Explosions"
//*** --------------------------------------------
thread random_explode1
thread random_explode2
thread random_explode3
thread random_explode4
thread random_explode5
thread random_explode6
thread random_explode7
wait (randomfloat 13 + 23)
$random_explode1_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode1 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode1_origin 256 384
goto random_explode1
wait (randomfloat 7 + 20)
$random_explode2_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode2 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode2_origin 256 384
goto random_explode2
wait (randomfloat 9 + 18)
$random_explode3_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode3 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode3_origin 256 384
goto random_explode3
wait (randomfloat 12 + 18)
$random_explode4_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode4 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode4_origin 256 384
goto random_explode4
wait (randomfloat 15 + 22)
$random_explode5_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode5 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode5_origin 256 384
goto random_explode5
wait (randomfloat 8 + 15)
$random_explode6_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode6 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode6_origin 256 384
goto random_explode6
wait (randomfloat 10 + 24)
$random_explode7_origin playsound arty_leadinmp
wait 1
$random_explode7 anim start
radiusdamage $random_explode7_origin 256 384
goto random_explode7
local.player = parm.other
if ( ( self.ham_type == "trig_use" ) &&
( ! local.player.useheld ) )
if ( ( self.ham_type == "trig_fire" ) &&
( ! local.player.fireheld ) )
local.playerId = local.player.entnum + 1
thread level.mam_f_utils::debug 80 "Trig: Player #" local.playerId \
" brush = " self.entnum \
" action = " self.ham_action
local.team = self.ham_team[ local.playerId ]
local.time = self.ham_time[ local.playerId ]
if ( ( local.team != "" ) &&
( local.team != local.player.dmteam ) &&
( ( level.time - local.time ) < 30.0 ) )
local.tmChange = 1
local.tmChange = 0
self.ham_team[ local.playerId ] = local.player.dmteam
self.ham_time[ local.playerId ] = level.time
if ( self.ham_type == "trig_mg" )
if ( local.tmChange == 0 )
switch ( self.ham_action )
case "hurt1": local.player hurt 1 ; break
case "hurt5": local.player hurt 5 ; break
case "hurt10": local.player hurt 10 ; break
case "hurt25": local.player hurt 25 ; break
case "hurt50": local.player hurt 50 ; break
case "die": local.player hurt 10000 ; break
case "kill": local.player kill ; break
case "respawn": local.player respawn ; break
case "weapnext":local.player weapnext ; break
case "weapdrop":local.player weapdrop ; break
case "holster": local.player safeholster 1 ; break
case "stand": local.player modheight stand ; break
case "duck": local.player modheight duck ; break
case "ciact": thread outofbounds local.player ; break
case "warn": thread sendwarning local.player ; break
default: local.player stufftext self.ham_action ; break
setcvar "g_gametype" "1"
setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All"
setcvar "level.clockside" "kills"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "The Bridge"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Der Fuchsbau eV."
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "sagt Willkommen !"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "https://ogy.de/fuchsbau"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Freie Mitgliedschaft"
setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "objdm4"
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-3288 3197 314.22" angle 64
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-4437 3020 286.72" angle 110
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1419 3894 236.13" angle 84
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1443 3910 236.3" angle 90
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "442 3894 324.13" angle -66
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1291 3306 240.13" angle 176
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1526 1948 184.13" angle 170
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-380 2085 240.13" angle -10
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1155 1470 240.13" angle 166
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1535 1226 240.13" angle 174
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "962 1146 72.13" angle 176
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-23 1707 16.13" angle 38
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-5 4153 16.13" angle 177
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "335 2927 24.13" angle -177
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "708 3193 616.13" angle 120
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "872 -1303 248.13" angle 38
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "683 -1089 480.13" angle 128
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "1258 -805 192.13" angle -95
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "711 -2290 240.13" angle -130
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-474 -1726 248.13" angle 25
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-760 -2245 240.13" angle -43
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "-1047 -1174 240.13" angle -45
local.deathmatch = spawn info_player_deathmatch origin "697 -803 56.13" angle 0
level waittill prespawn
//*** Precache Dm Stuff
exec global/DMprecache.scr
level.script = maps/obj/obj_team4.scr
exec global/ambient.scr obj_team4
thread global/exploder.scr::main
//thread global/minefield.scr::minefield_setup
//** NOTICE: i´ve dissabled the Minefield near the Bridge
// it has a Bug !! If a player went into the minefield and blow up, he CAN´T Spawn anymore into
// the Map !! I don´t know why this happends, so leave it dissabled atm !!
exec global/door_locked.scr::lock
level waittill spawn
level.defusing_team = "allies"
level.planting_team = "axis"
level.bomb_damage = 300
level.bomb_explosion_radius = 1024
// set the parameters for this round/wave based match
level.dmrespawning = 0 // 1 **wave based** or 0 **round based**
level.dmroundlimit = 5 // round time limit in minutes
level.clockside = allies // set to axis, allies, kills, or draw
level waittill roundstart
$bridge_bomb thread global/obj_dm.scr::bomb_thinker
$bridge_bomb2 thread global/obj_dm.scr::bomb_thinker
$bridge_bomb thread axis_win_bomb $bridge_bomb $bridge_bomb2
$bridge_bomb thread allied_win_timer
// thread objectives_setup
axis_win_bomb local.bomb1 local.bomb2:
while ((local.bomb1.exploded != 1) && (local.bomb2.exploded != 1))
wait .1
teamwin axis
//*** --------------------------------------------
//*** "Allied Victory"
//*** --------------------------------------------
level waittill allieswin
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::blank_objectives
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::add_objectives 1 2 "Axis forces must destroy the bridge" $bridge.origin
// wait 2
// waitthread global/objectives.scr::current_objectives 1
Okay, thats my scripts fo you nice Peoples !! Have fun with it.
-The Fox