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Thread: Just saying hi

  1. #1

    Default Just saying hi

    I just popped in to say hi while we are in lockdown 😏
    I'm DUST I used to make mods with JADE 👍
    You maybe seen some of the old mods and maps we made over the years.
    I dont have a PC anymore so mods are out the window for me.
    But I can still chat about it lol.
    Anyway if you want to chat let's chat.
    I still have all the mods ,maps we made.
    Loads of old mods that you probably cannot get anymore that others made before SH and BT came out.

    Thanks for letting me join
    Have fun and dont cheat

  2. #2


    Welcome here!

    If you want to chat with us, generally we come to forum mostly in help-related topics, you can join us in mohaa/sh/bt discord here:
    Also it would be really nice if you can share on forum or send to me old mods and maps you have, that's pretty cool and it would be nice to put them in mod database one day for archiving purposes if you don't mind.
    Github - Steam - .Crimewavez#5285

  3. #3


    Welcome back!

    I've come across a good amount of mods & maps from you guys over the years
    A bunch of them have been saved and uploaded to our database. (Type 'DUST' below where it says 'Creator' and hit 'Apply' to see the mods we have stored from you guys ^^) (Same thing here for the Maps we've stored from you guys)

    We'd be happy to upload any that we're missing!
    And good to see members of the community returning

    We're quite active on discord as has been mentioned as well!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Oh yes i do remember some of ur mods, Hi!

  6. #6


    Hi all 🍺
    Yes we made 1 or 2 mods and maps.
    Do you have a moh server.
    I will dig out the laptop and sort out some files for you.
    Are you all working on anything at the moment.
    Well I will pop in over the weekend
    Have fun 👍

  7. #7


    Hi there Dust! Welcome to the forum!

    I vaguely remember your mods. Did you also happen to make a Teleport mod for Stalingrad?
    It was on a server for a few weeks and went offline and never came back...

    Have fun!

  8. #8


    We did all sorts of mods on every map.
    Single player too.
    I have them all on the laptop.
    Do any of the sfx members come here.
    That's where I used to hang out mostly.
    I have some scripts is there somewhere here to post them for people to use.
    I'm going to look round the site for a while to see what you are about and are up to👍
    Have fun😃

  9. #9


    G'day from down under, Dust.

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