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Thread: vBulletin 4 Nginx Rewrites for Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs - Complete Rewrite Rules

  1. #21


    Don't know then. Makes absolutely no sense. Do you have a client mime override? Are you trying this from work? Try it from home or your phone?

    I don't have that issue on any browser on any PC.

    Unless you're right clicking on the image itself and choosing "View Image"...

    Should just be left-clicking on it which opens a new tab with the URL to full-sized image.

    What happens if you right click and choose "Open In New Tab"?
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  2. #22
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    on the intraweb


    I tried it on my home computer. I tried it on my work laptop as well as a virtual environment and none of the different environments work for me. I tried chrome, IE, edge chromium. All of them are the same result. Really odd.

  3. #23
    Purple Developer Purple Elephant1au's Avatar
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    Feb 2012


    Works fine for me on home PC :P
    Cant check work laptops as they block this site for some reason

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  4. #24
    Administrator James's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    on the intraweb


    We figured out the issue. Actually Zappa assisted. It's nothing wrong, just how I had a setting configured (or rather unconfigured) in the forums.
    Go into your profile Settings (top right corner "settings" link)
    Under the "My Account" category click "General Settings".
    Scroll down to "Thread Display Options" and make sure the 3rd checkbox "Show Images" is checked.
    Save changes at the very bottom.

    I had this setting unchecked, and the image that own3mall was posting was showing the thumbnail instead of the actual linked image which is the original (full) size.

  5. #25


    of course, you need to update
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