just for further usage, the inventory issue is inside the Sentient::giveItem function inside bt/sh code.
it gets activated if g_gampetype is mp or "g_realismmode" is turned on.
just as I thought, a simple binary patch should do.
just for further usage, the inventory issue is inside the Sentient::giveItem function inside bt/sh code.
it gets activated if g_gampetype is mp or "g_realismmode" is turned on.
just as I thought, a simple binary patch should do.
Discord: RyBack#4239
May I ask, what are the issues you are having? In what context would you need to edit the configstrings and flush the tiki cache?
Thanks @RyBack, I will probably come back to you about these issues.
I am not sure I understand what you mean by Simple Binary Patch, how ever, the Problem is caused by a check that drops the newly picked up Weapon if the player does already possess such a weapon-type.
There are two major issues with the game when playing coop.
The ammount of data that is precached and put into the configstrings and the amount of animations and overall tikis that are preached and loaded in general.
The regular multiplayer was not designed to handle that vast amount, which is why there are issues with it.
- Removing certain Configstrings once they are no longer used, or removing certain defaults from it that are not used in coop go a long way to prevent cl_parsegamestate errors.
- Using flustikis can fix animation issues that are mostly clientside, but can also be serverside (animations go crazy)
These two issues are "unfixed" in most id-tech3 based games (i know most don't use tiki but something similar is there in effect), even doom3 has this issue.
We have fixed these things in our other coop mod.
If some configstrings could be set or reset (for example dialogs) there can be much more content on a level without cl_parsegamestate error or other disconnecting or connecting issues.
I see.
The development of the reborn patch have been stuck for 6 years now
and from what I can see, Ryback is the last hope for any future mohaa patch (Reborn?/NF/OPM)
so, good luck with that
and @Ryback, please never give up
I don't plan on doing such thing don't worry.
(PS. You forgot alphamac and mohdb, but anything besides opm is doable tbh)
Discord: RyBack#4239