Recently i seem to have display problems with the "code" bbcode i guess. I'm with IE11:
but some of them seem to work though:
those examples are taken from this thread:
Recently i seem to have display problems with the "code" bbcode i guess. I'm with IE11:
but some of them seem to work though:
those examples are taken from this thread:
Last edited by Ancient Order; October 30th, 2019 at 05:49 AM.
That is problably a problem with the browser compatibility.
On firefox works fine.
You answered your own question. :PI'm with IE11
Purple's Playground
xfire: purpleelephant1au
skydrive: PurpleElephantSkydrive
Those pics are tiny and I can't really see anything, but sometimes the page doesn't load properly for me; I just refresh it and then it comes up fine. I think it might be the way browsers cache data. Not sure if your issue is the same as the one I'm speaking of though.
That's weird, when I test the new xcode with IE11 here it works (not at 100%, but works), but in the forums doesn't
It must be some incompatibility with vBulletin.
No idea why you prefer to use IE over any other browser.
IE is outdated, insecure and slow AF
Spoiler: IE
Probably this bug is caused because IE11 only have partial or no support at all on newest javascript features.
And by newest I mean stuff that are almost 6 years old.
IE doesn't even support async functions (Promises)!!
Anyways, I'll take a look to it
@James, when you can, please replace the code inside "xcode-switch.js" with the one I posted below
with this, the xcode shuld work at 100% on IE11
@Ancient, after James updates the code, clear your cache and test it again.
Spoiler: code
@Ancient, When I click on the image, it still displays small. and when I try to click to make it bigger it doesn't do anything.
Here is what I see:
Even after James updated the code, the problem still persisted... (It was 100% working when I tested it in my local server)
So, after some googling, (stackoverflow...) I found that the real cause of this issue is the "X-UA-Compatible" tag in vBulletin
What it does is to force IE users to render the site in IE9 mode (this was the latest IE release at the time vBulletin 4 was released)
You can see this in the emulation tab in IE11
Spoiler: IE Sucks
This tag can be safely deleted to fix the issue
To delete it, go to:
Admin Panel > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Default Style: Edit Templates > headinclude > Customize
search for:
and delete it.Code:<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />
After deleting it, IE browsers will render the the forum as is supposed to be.