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Thread: My server on the Blacklist! WHY?!

  1. #1

    Default My server on the Blacklist! WHY?!

    My server (=|>DooM<|= Server IP: aren't showing on the game list, i have been going through alot to find out why
    i reinstalled my server and even rented a new one to test it just to see by chance that my server were blacklisted without even a notice..

    Why and who put my server on the Blacklist?!

    Thanks for your reply!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by RemoZz; September 18th, 2019 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2


    Your server has been permanently blacklisted because it didn't respect one or more of the following guidelines :

    Do not attack, DDOS, or impact other servers.
    If you wish to learn more about this permanent blacklist, we have evidence showing some members/admins from DooM admitting to attack other servers in order to circumvent concurrency.

  3. #3


    That NEVER EVER EVER happen! i never did once attack or impact what so ever any one.. neither do i need to, my server even when it's offline from the master server still even now as we speak have 8 players! i don't need to use such things neither do i even know HOW.. this is totally a false accusation, just for a fucking stupid rank in some damn website i never even gave the shit about!!!!

  4. #4


    My server has been attacked several times even crashed like a 100 times every players play on doom know that our server is being ddos for months and even today while it is not even on the master list my server still under ddos attacks for god seek and i didn't say SHIT because i don't know WHO, and you are accusing me of doing something i NEVER did, telling me that i even said i did or some one from my clan did! WTF?? can i just put any tags on and go to any server i don't like and say i am doing dos attack and then that server will be blacklisted?! are you for real?! for god seek is the reborn master are used for personal vendetta now?! did someone pay u for this? i can PAY TOO u know!

  5. #5


    Lol look at my server on the gametracker 15 players without the server list not even one spectate just a moment ago, now who did i attack in order to (circumvent concurrency) for those players? SHAM ON YOU!
    you don't attack others to reach this you earn it! this is all the evidence i need to say i never needed to!
    I wont change my name I EARN IT for 3 years i won't change my IP I DID NOTHING wrong!
    SHAM ON YOU for doing this without even giving me a chance to prove my self..22.JPG

  6. #6


    The community also reported that your server has fake players in it at times.

    We can remove your server from the blacklist as long as you follow the rules here:

    No attacking other servers. No falsifying player count by using fake players or bots.

    If you can follow the rules, your server can be removed from the blacklist. However, should we receive further reports, we will re-add it to the blacklist.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  7. #7


    But own3 this is not fair you haven't even given me any evidence for attacking anyone, now you even accusing me of using fake players even though i never did, my timeout cvar is always set to (90) how can this give me fake players?! how about EG server they have their timeout cvar set to 3 hours most times it's not the real numbers as it said on the server, still you did nothing even though it's against your rules and the gametrackers as well, still you did nothing to them, and i didn't even care to report them but this is not fair! i am being judged for something i didn't do with no evidence what so ever, HOW FAIR IS THIS?! my server is been under dos attack and i am the only one who's been judge here HOW FAIR IS THIS?! other servers use fake players and i don't, still i am the only one who's been judge here without even any evidence because there was none from the start. HOW FAIR IS THIS?!

  8. #8


    hey friends after respect i want to say some thing:
    I know remoz for a long time and he never did these shit things and to be honest he told me many times before that his server was under attack and to say the true my server and several others on spearhead as well has been under dos attacks lately and many servers including my server crashed many times becuase of those attacks and doom server is not even on spearhead to do this whoever is doing this is probably doing this for fun because there is no logic on attacking both games or any benefits only a sick guy would do this or maybe there are different people attacking i don't know , last thing I am sure ramoz dont know how to attaking servers :xD

  9. #9


    The server has been removed from the blacklist. We're still looking into it though. Keep following the master server rules
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  10. #10


    @Old_Fox thank you for those words i appreciate it

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