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Thread: [Suggestion] Regular Expressions Engine for scripting

  1. #1

    Default [Suggestion] Regular Expressions Engine for scripting

    A suggestion for the Reborn patch and also for the NightFall patch

    Having a regex engine would be really nice.
    This way will be way easier to parse text files. And make cool stuff like a 'configuration file parser' (JSON, INI, YAML, etc...)

    Is it feasible?

  2. #2
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    I think it's already in opm.
    I'll add it in NightFall.
    Discord: RyBack#4239

  3. #3
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
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    One could also write one in scripting. Doesn't have to be native But of course would be less efficient.

  4. #4
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    What about interpreting all the pk3's and checking if there are duplicates of files loaded? If so allow the engine to be able to merge them together without causing any abnormalities. I think this would be a huge win. I know this has been discussed before. I think one of the biggest hassles with pk3 modding is that so many mods use the same common files such as player/weapon tik files, scr files, dmprecache.scr, map files, etc...

  5. #5
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James View Post
    What about interpreting all the pk3's and checking if there are duplicates of files loaded? If so allow the engine to be able to merge them together without causing any abnormalities. I think this would be a huge win. I know this has been discussed before. I think one of the biggest hassles with pk3 modding is that so many mods use the same common files such as player/weapon tik files, scr files, dmprecache.scr, map files, etc...
    I'd rather create a whole new directory structure outside main dir than mess with the current one, since a lot of mods depend on it.
    Discord: RyBack#4239

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Razo[R]apiD View Post
    One could also write one in scripting. Doesn't have to be native But of course would be less efficient.
    Ok. I wrote something following this guide Build a Regex Engine...
    But the result is very simple and weak. The asterisk (*) keyword is bugged and debugging the errors can be painful.

    I think will be easier and better to embed an existing regex engine in the patch than do something in Morpheus, which can be very limited, inefficient and buggy.

    local.regex = local CreateListener;
    local.regex.targetname = "Regex";
    local.regex.path = ("global/regex.scr");
    local.regex.matchOne = local.regex.path::matchOne;
    local.regex.match = local.regex.path::match; = local.regex.path::search;

    // TEST
    wait 2;
    local.pattern = "ab?c";
    local.text = "ac";
    local.result = waitthread $ local.pattern local.text;

    println ("=================");
    println ("pattern: " + local.pattern);
    println ("text: " + local.text);
    println ("result: " + local.result); // 1/0 (true/false)
    println ("=================");

    matchOne local.pattern local.text:
    if (!local.pattern)
    end 1; // Any text matches an empty pattern
    if (!local.text)
    end 0; // If the pattern is defined but the text is empty, there cannot be a match
    if (local.pattern == ".")
    end 1; // Any inputted text matches the wildcard
    end (local.pattern == local.text);

    match local.pattern local.text:
    if (local.pattern == "")
    end 1;
    if (local.pattern == "$" && local.text == "")
    end 1;
    if (local.pattern.size > 1) {
    if (local.pattern[1] == "?")
    end (waitthread matchQuestion local.pattern local.text);
    if (local.pattern[1] == "*")
    end (waitthread matchStar local.pattern local.text);
    end ((waitthread matchOne local.pattern[0] local.text[0]) && (waitthread match (waitthread Slice local.pattern 1) (waitthread Slice local.text 1)));

    search local.pattern local.text:
    if (local.pattern[0] == "^") {
    end (waitthread match (waitthread Slice local.pattern 1) local.text);
    } else {
    // end (waitthread match (".*" + local.pattern) local.text);
    for (local.i = 0; local.i < local.text.size; local.i++) {
    if (waitthread match local.pattern (waitthread Slice local.text local.i)) {
    end 1;
    end 0;

    matchQuestion local.pattern local.text:
    end (((waitthread matchOne local.pattern[0] local.text[0]) && (waitthread match (waitthread Slice local.pattern 2) (waitthread Slice local.text 1))) || (waitthread match (waitthread Slice local.pattern 2) local.text));

    matchStar local.pattern local.text:
    end (((waitthread matchOne local.pattern[0] local.text[0]) && (waitthread match local.pattern (waitthread Slice local.text 1))) || (waitthread match (waitthread Slice local.pattern 2) local.text));


    Slice local.string local.startIndex local.endIndex:
    if (local.startIndex >= local.string.size) {
    end "";
    } else if (local.startIndex < 0) {
    local.startIndex = 0;

    if ((typeof local.endIndex)[0] != "i" || local.endIndex >= local.string.size || local.endIndex < local.startIndex) {
    local.endIndex = local.string.size;

    local.result = "";
    for (local.i = local.startIndex; local.i < local.endIndex; local.i++) {
    local.result += local.string[local.i];
    end local.result;

    Quote Originally Posted by RyBack View Post
    I'd rather create a whole new directory structure outside main dir than mess with the current one, since a lot of mods depend on it.
    Sor has something like that planned for his framework. I hope someday he will come back and finish it.
    // Do main autoexec logic in this class...
    // I need 1 main function that does executions of specified folders (with filter argument) 
    // -> use this if the execution happens only once (unlike the events..)
            -> scripts here are executed at all times
            -> if the gametype changes, one can use $Map.SetGametype <int g_gametype> [string abbrev] to execute
            the scripts in the folder specified by 'abbrev'; for the default gametypes one needn't specify an 
            abbreviation. If one does, however, it will be treated as a custom gametype.
            -> if $Map.SetGametype is not called before level waittill spawn, it will be automatically called to
            set the gametype to its default in accordance with g_gametype
        autoexec/<bsp name>/
            -> if there are script files for the current map, they will be run when the default mapscript is added.
        autoexec/<bsp name>/cfg/
            -> .cfg files here will be executed (using stuffsrv "exec ...")
    // connected <-> spawn event problem
    // Only if the map changes, are the event registrations discarded...
    // -> if before prespawn, do not re-register, otherwise go ahead?
    // Additional autoexec stuff:
            -> scripts to execute for each event. Events will only be registered only if their corresponding script folders aren't empty.
            -> scripts to execute for statefile events (entry as well as exit commands (use .entry and .exit as file extensions to differentiate (only check for .exit though))
    BTW, what happened with the Reborn pk3 framework project? The last time someone talked something about it in the forum was in 2013

  7. #7
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
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    It's hosted on my GitHub account but no one really picked it up except Sor who was busy with uni as far as I remember at some point. The idea was to create a common framework that would require you to follow certain conventions. With cost of less flexible directory structure the whole community would gain conflict-free mods.

    It would be awesome if anyone would be willing to take that idea and push it forward

  8. #8


    question: Is Sor still active here or in contact with you guys?
    I think it will be better to hear his thoughts on this before someone tries to add more stuff.

    And now that Ryback is taking the Reborn features into Nightfall seems like the perfect time to continue working in the Framework,
    and this time with support to Spearhead and Breakthrough

  9. #9
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    I haven't heard from Sor, and I don't think I have contact with him outside of these forums. I do agree with what RR said though; it would be nice to have a better structure for the community without the worry of conflicts.

  10. #10
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
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    I should have contacted him some time ago when we were in the same school

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