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Thread: BttF Deloreon

  1. #1
    Senior Member Major A's Avatar
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    Default BttF Deloreon

    I've almost got it done the way I want it, but have {hopefully} small issue

    First of all, anyone that might be curious, Milkshape 1.8.5 runs excellent through WINE in Linux. It's in the same directory as my moh installs.
    A good sign that there is something it doesn't like, it will just crash outright when exporting, hence the issue I'm getting ready to ask.
    But first, a look at, what I hope, is the way I want it.

    Ok, so here is my issue.
    in this image,

    To export to moh, you can only use jpg or tga, but the problem is the tail vents themselves.
    IDK if they are drawn funky or not, but the model will not export unless I remove them altogether.

    So at this point, my question is, how do I redraw them or whatever because it would seem the original
    model I'm sure was made with something newer that milkshape must not like at all, so if trying to export it,
    this is when it crashes...UNLESS I remove the tail vents.

    I'm sure someone has hit this snag at one point, sooo, suggestions and comments welcome.

    The original tail vent image is an index bmp image, but the issue seems to be the vents themselves, unless removed.
    Last edited by Major A; April 3rd, 2019 at 08:13 PM.

    ASUS P8B75-M * Quadcore 3.1GHz * 32GB ram * GT740 4GB video * Logitech USB Marble Mouse=Trackball * System - ArchLinux-EndeavourOS, KDE Plasma Desktop * Triple monitor

  2. #2


    I found some info in documentation I have:

    - each skin has a limit of maximum 999 vertex's
    - each model has a limit of maximum 24 skins
    - each model has a limit of maximum 100 bones
    - only one texture can be linked with one skin, no bump-mapping supported
    - don't use blanks in name of skins - valid graphic types for textures: jpg (max. 50% comp.) tga, dds
    Could it be hitting a limit of some sort?


    5.) the exact difference between meshes and skins now so I can not explain it to you. However - meshes are fully editable, you can break them down into more parts, you can move individual vertex points, you can expand them or combine with any other meshes. Most of the LR3D-tools at your disposal such as all uv-tools, to the other tools please read the LR3D-tutorials if a mesh has too any faces or vetex, select mesh, choose control-panels 2nd tab. (modifieres) and hit face. all faces of the mesh will show up...... sellect some and hit "detach"button. the selected areas are separated from the labeled mesh and created as a copy. do this as long you need, to get less then 1000 vertexs. check vertexs-count by hit "vertex" in same tab. the number of faces or vertexs listed in box below buttons important! - meshes cannot be exported to MoH - skins are restricted in their editing capabilities, important! only skins can be export with the MoH export plugin. however, this later 6.) if every work on your model is finished and you like to export it to moh......... all meshes has to be converted into skins
    Last edited by 1337Smithy; April 4th, 2019 at 02:50 AM.

  3. #3


    milkshape sucks to export mohaa models, you can't even export models with bones
    would be better if you port the model to Lightray, and then export it to skd/skc

  4. #4


    Yeah, I use Lightray for import/exports too. Not had an issue so far.

  5. #5


    yeah, LR3D is the way to go for mohaa modelling.
    as per why ms3d crashes when he tries to export that model, depends.
    he can always try to export it in .obj, re-importing it into ms3d and try exporting it into .skb.

  6. #6


    ms3d 1.8.5 also crashed in my pc (windows 7) when exporting. If you are using an imported model from another game and the tail vents are realy bugging your model, the only way is to remake the tail vents from ground up. When you create a shape in LR3D there is a option of creating more vertexes. you can create each face of the form you are trying to create seperately and edit their UV maps.

    1- create vertexes for each face you will use on your object

    2- create the faces by selecting the option 'face' bellow the title 'edit mesh'. select 3 vertexes for each face.

    3- edit their UV maps to the position of the textures in your image file (jpg/tga). You must do this for each individual side/face of your object.

    4- select a face then click on the option 'attach' and click the other faces to glue them into a single surface.

    5- drag/relocate the vertexes of each face to their respective position and then select the 'weld' option.
    - the white square ritght to that option is the max distance between each vertex you are about to weld/glue, i usualy put value ' 1.0'

    Your object is now complete.

    But from here i also see alot of vertexes and faces in your model, so it coul also be what 1337Smithy mentioned.

    If rebuilding the tail vents from 0 doesn't work and it's your own made model, then you have to remake your model to be more low polly than it currently is.
    Last edited by Soares93; April 4th, 2019 at 04:40 PM.

  7. #7


    Sorry Major, we never had that problem with making cars for NFS.
    Most of the guys used Zmodler and Car Tool (but car tool was NFS (3 & 4) specific, it didn't import / export).
    Zmodler was great and free back in the day.

    I agree with Soares, just remake those few vent they're only two vertices per vent blade.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Major A's Avatar
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    As I was typing the original post I was already thinking milkshape had limitations...The bones was the first thing that I noticed.

    I had only messed with lightray a few times but only exported one thing I can remember, I think it was a Boba Fett jetpack but having hard time trying
    to remember how I did anything lol

    Right now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to keep the viewport locked in a rendered mode, and the viewport labels. haha

    But anyway thanks for the input, all that does help.

    ASUS P8B75-M * Quadcore 3.1GHz * 32GB ram * GT740 4GB video * Logitech USB Marble Mouse=Trackball * System - ArchLinux-EndeavourOS, KDE Plasma Desktop * Triple monitor

  9. #9
    Senior Member Major A's Avatar
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    Hells Bells, it would seem I'm stuck again.

    Lightray3D isn't working right in wine or a windows VM, maybe it's missing something, but the console log in wine isn't much help, but whatever is wrong with it, it looks worse in the VM using virtualbox.

    Now having said that, I ran across the plugins for Blender, which I've been eyeing that program on and off for over 10 years but never really understood it until now.
    It runs natively in linux but the problem here is Blender will install the plugins for skd import and export, but the options don't show in the menu, so I'm guessing
    the python script plugins are out of date.

    I'm at a loss atm of what to do, unless someone actually ported lightray3d into linux and I just don't know about it,
    or there are update blender plugins someplace lol

    Any suggestion here at this point would long as no-one says "Install Windows" lol that time has past

    ASUS P8B75-M * Quadcore 3.1GHz * 32GB ram * GT740 4GB video * Logitech USB Marble Mouse=Trackball * System - ArchLinux-EndeavourOS, KDE Plasma Desktop * Triple monitor

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Major A View Post
    Blender will install the plugins for skd import and export, but the options don't show in the menu
    What plugins? AFAIK there is no moh addon for blender.

    Have you tried running lightray with another software rather than wine?

    As last alternative I would say: "Install Windows", alongside Linux in a dual-boot config.

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