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Thread: Please provide source code

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by andremats View Post
    Hi it's an old thread but i will still post here. I am very interested in the antiwallhack you have developed. The truth is that i don't play mohaa. I haven't played it in many years but i do play call of duty 2. There is a server extension that is called Libcod that has many cool features. I was thinking making some kind of antiwallhack myself but never managed to do it successfully. Something i tried to do using gamescript (the internal scripting language) was to hide all the players and only show them when they should be visible, but the problem is that such method requires to do constant bulletraces and it is a very heavy function. So it was doing its job but the game became unplayable due to server laggs. I would be happy if you enlighten me on how you made your antiwallhack.
    Hi andremats, Razo[R]apiD has been inactive for months. You will have better luck asking in the discord server

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Zappa View Post
    Hi andremats, Razo[R]apiD has been inactive for months. You will have better luck asking in the discord server
    Ok thanks

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