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Thread: Client CVARs For Smoother Gameplay

  1. #1

    Default Client CVARs For Smoother Gameplay


    I've tried searching around here on x-null and some of the old Quake forums to find some "credible" information related to cvars / commands that might help in reducing "ping" / lag and help maintaining a smoother gameplay. I could not find any, hence this post.

    Can you guys (especially Developers) can explain the real meaning of these commands / cvars:

    rate = ???? //My understanding it denotes the number of packets sent to server per second.

    snaps = ??? //usually this value is 20 and making it less induces lag, so I suppose 20 is good

    cl_maxping = ??? //default value is 800, some forums say its for client side. What does it do ?

    cl_maxpackets = ??? //default value is 30, maximum is 100. If I put in 10, I can notice some lag. What does it do?

    com_maxfps = ??? //Default is 85 which is good enough. I think its local only and does not effect number of packets sent to / from server. Exact info needed ?

    Any other variable that I have missed ???

    Please give your expert opinions how we can set these values for best performance.


    (P.S: @James, IMO this post belongs to forum but I dont have rights to create thread there. If it is appropriate may be you can move it there.)

  2. #2
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    In Front of the screen

  3. #3
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Indeed i remember once i could get 0 ping to a remote server by just settings fps 1 and rate 90000

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by RyBack View Post
    Gr8 share Ryback. It is quite detailed but complex and it seems that many variables contribute towards FPS. Need a lot of testing to follow that,

  5. #5


    I'm not able to give you good explanations about the settings but I'll give you my opinion as I have tested these all out and searched online for information as well and thus came to the conclusion of using the following values:

    rate is your Net Connection (this is located in-game, at the screen where you can choose your player models.. options are xDSL, LAN, Cable etc.). Back in the day this was more useful, nowadays everyone should be able to use the highest setting, which is 30000 (= LAN option in-game).

    snaps = 20, max. setting, don't mess with it.

    cl_maxping: never heard of this or seen this.. I don't think it has any impact on you tbh.

    cl_maxpackets: When you set this low (15), you will get a lower ping HOWEVER more unstable (e.g. your ping will vary between 15 and 35). When you set this high (100), you will get a higher but more stable ping (e.g. your ping will be ~50 nonstop, without any variation). I used to have my maxpackets on 15, however I've been playing with it on 100 for a while now, and the fact my ping is stable makes my accuracy more stable as well, so I'll keep using this.

    com_maxfps: I use the value that varies the least for me. So you need to place fps on 1 (so you can see your fps) and then try out values and see the output of mohaa. Mine is on 250 because my fps is the most stable with that value. Other values tend to vary my fps more, so it becomes more unstable and I like to keep my performance stable on all aspects. You can try 125 as well, but too low or too high will make you lag (or at least make your screen stutter).

    Edit: Btw, for rate, if the server's rate is at for example only 15000, then all the clients will be forced to that rate, even though they themselves have it on 30000 clientside. So make sure the server has it on max too. However clients are able to have a lower rate than the server, just not higher.
    Last edited by Shadow; November 16th, 2017 at 05:31 AM.

  6. #6


    the best thing for smooth gamneplay is stable fps and stable ping.

    mess aorund with cl_maxpackets and check wich is giving u the most stable ping... u better can have 120 stable ping than a 100 ping going up and down all the time.
    i can have ping 18 but on maxpackets 125 its stable on 48

    maxrate 30000 is the best as far as i know

    com_maxfps 125, brings my fps to 60 and it never changes

    maxping is a server setting, would be nice if u could sett it to 1 tho

  7. #7


    This is what I use to use for years playing on 56k dial up connection and it help me out a lot kept my ping around 120 on most USA servers hardly ever got a ping kicked, main thing is turn off most the extra BS that makes the game look good.
    check this link to see waht stuff does it's for cod but as long as it's quake engine it works.

    // Cvars
    seta vss_draw "1"
    seta r_textureMode "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
    seta ui_console "1"
    seta s_ambientvolume "0.01"
    seta m_filter "1"
    seta r_displayrefresh "60"
    seta dm_playergermanmodel "german_scientist"
    seta dm_playermodel "allied_scientist"
    seta ui_weaponsbar "0"
    seta s_musicvolume "0.000000"
    seta s_volume "0.200000"
    seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!"
    seta r_gamma "1.000000"
    seta s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
    seta name "<=(NUF)=> Easy Meat[!SmasH!]"
    seta sensitivity "11.300000"
    seta fps "1"
    seta r_picmip "0"
    seta r_mode "9"
    seta cg_shadows "2"
    seta vss_maxcount "10"
    seta cg_effectdetail "1.0"
    seta r_lodviewmodelcap "1.0"
    seta r_lodcap "1.0"
    seta r_lodscale "1.1"
    seta r_subdivisions "3"
    seta rate "15000"
    seta com_maxfps "100"
    seta cl_maxpackets "100"
    seta cl_packetdup "0"
    seta cl_timeNudge "-10"
    seta snaps "30"

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by easymeat View Post
    This is what I use to use for years playing on 56k dial up connection and it help me out a lot kept my ping around 120 on most USA servers hardly ever got a ping kicked, main thing is turn off most the extra BS that makes the game look good.[/COLOR]
    Well easymeat, at least we share same GFX card :P. I am surprised that with that card you are playing with such high gfx settings including redering mode 9. Have you tried Remagen, stand at covered walkway and look up to the trees ? My fps dropped to 10. lolz. Here are settings that I use :

    seta cg_drawviewmodel "1"
    seta cg_forceModel "1"
    seta r_mode "6"
    seta fps "1"
    seta s_khz "44"
    seta r_colorbits "32"
    seta r_fastsky "1"
    seta in_mouse "-1"
    seta ui_console "1"
    seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2"
    seta s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
    seta sensitivity "12"
    seta m_filter "1"
    seta name "blabla"
    seta rate "30000"
    seta dm_playermodel "allied_sas"
    seta dm_playergermanmodel "german_winter_1"
    seta r_forceClampToEdge "1"
    seta r_gamma "1.744856"
    seta s_volume "0.309211"
    seta s_musicvolume "0.000000"
    seta s_ambientvolume "0"
    seta vid_xpos "0"
    seta vid_ypos "0"
    seta g_subtitle "1"
    seta ui_gamespy "0"

  9. #9


    Yeah, thats from around 10 years ago I just had the whole game folder on a disc, and dug it out. I'm running a GFX 950 now on a 64 bit system with a dsl connection so I just max out everything now.I like it to look good and gave up a little bit on the ping side That's when I got my first server so nobody could ping kick me.

  10. #10


    Big problem "((((((((((((((((((((((

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