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Thread: Reborn's tool "sv_antiwh" **UPDATE**

  1. #21

  2. #22


    I had not seen this thread before but just taking a look to it i can say this makes no sense

    this part of the code (from global/ligadohandler.scr) is running for every player every single frame,
    the minimum fraction of 'wait time' in a server is 0.05 (1 sec/20 frames)
    so if you have a server with 20+ players you will be executing this piece of code 20+ times per frame and the only thing you will get is lag.

    if !(local.player cansee $player[local.A])
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh 1"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh -1" //stuffsrv "sv_antiwh 5"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh 6"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh -1"
    wait 0.00005
    if (local.player cansee $player[local.A])
    wait 0.2
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh 1"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh -1"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh 6"
    wait 0.00005
    stuffsrv "sv_antiwh -1"
    wait 0.00005

    this may sound offensive but i think PacRac didn't even know what he was doing
    I just can't see any logic whatsoever in it.

  3. #23


    the idea was and is good..... but for now useless..... best thing is alphamac ... i allready have a lot of people using it daily... it still has some bugs but it works!

  4. #24


    I used to play on PacRac server and it was very glitchy for any player with ping 100+. Often times, Pac had to turn that mode off in response of complaints.

    As Slim said, new AC is working, that should be used.

    Lastly, I have been noticing that @Zappa always gives an idea or point which is bang on. I suppose we have a very good programmer among us who is not afraid to execute complex things in simple ways. Gr8 going Zappa, keep it up.

  5. #25
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Yes, there are 20 frames per second in the game. I believe what pacrac was trying to achieve is when toggles the different modes of the antiwh, it would "reset" the command and maybe prevent it from flickering as much. I haven't actually tested it out personally, but I have heard several users say that it did help out. I agree with zappa though, you're basically spamming the hell out of your server. There has to be some sort of throttle so that it doesn't significantly drop performance.

    Razor and I have talked about this. Obvious we want to make it as "flawless" as possible. The first option is going clientside.
    The 2nd option, is basically a "smart" method where the game starts to "learn" and train itself where people shouldn't be visible vs where they should be. The longer it trains, the better it will be with less false positives and less flickering. You basically feed it the points of hard corners and stuff like that so that when it calculates the player is in that position it will render or not render the play based on the cansee variable.

    Remember though, even if a small part of the player is visible, then they will be rendered.

    The video that krypt posted was actually my very first attempt at stopping wallhacks. Some of you may have come across the video a long time ago on modtheater when I posted it. Basically we made a small test map and covered all walls with caulk (if I remember correctly). The "caulk" texture has a nodraw parm that blocks vis/wallhacks.

    There are still a few caveats with this though...
    1. Creating every map with caulk is a SIGNIFICANT performance hit. Basically I tried it on Stalingrad and I was trying to compile the bsp for 4 days and ended up just ending the process because it took too long. It wasn't feasible.
    2. There is a limitation of how much the game can handle
    3. I'm fairly certain the "flickering"/"blinking" still happens around corners when a user is moving back and forth really fast during the game.

    At any rate, all/any help from the community is always welcome. For now if Alphamac works better, then I recommend using that.

  6. #26


    I think you are talking about the "hint" texture. caulk works like a "no texture applied here" and helps to render maps faster

    in case someone doesn't know what "HINT texture" is about
    here is a tutorial for source engine, but the concept works for mohaa too

  7. #27
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Sorry it's been a while. You are correct. The hint texture! Thank you for correcting me.

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