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Thread: LoadLibrary ("main\gamex86.dll") failed

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ancient Order's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Default LoadLibrary ("main\gamex86.dll") failed

    I had this "random-crash-at-map-change-with-nothing-in-log-file" a big pair of times even before running Reborn, but it seems Reborn gives informations when it crashes. It looks like BOF doesn't it? Message litterally means "Access to this memory location in invalid".
    I have still some clues to explore but just in case i should bend my search in a particular direction according to the error message, please let me know your advice.

  2. #2


    Maybe you are not loading the right dll file.

    Try use the one on the Reborn patch folder.

  3. #3


    I have that error a lot also.
    Any update on this?

    One thing I noticed in task manager is that the mohaa_server process has a memory usage of about 90 kb when first started.
    But after a few days the memory usage keep growing gradually when finally, when it reaches about 180 kb the server crashes with that error.

    I tested my memory sticks and there are no errors on them.
    Could it be some kind of memory leak?

    ** EDIT **
    And before you say it, Slim, yes I checked my server for spyware/trojans/virus/hijackers/malware
    Last edited by Midnight1138; March 9th, 2017 at 03:07 PM. Reason: Beating Slim to it, lol

  4. #4
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
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    Could be memory leaks ?

  5. #5


    Yes, that's my guess too.
    But is it a Windows or Reborn issue?
    And more importantly, can it be fixed somehow?
    -=With One Well Placed Blow Thorin Cleaves Your Skull=-

    You attack Thorin.
    But the effort is wasted. His defense is
    too strong.
    Thorin attacks -you- !!!
    With one well placed blow Thorin cleaves
    your skull.
    You are dead.
    You have mastered 0.0% of this adventure.

  6. #6
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    IDK but memory leaks are the hardest to track and RR is not around to even help lol.
    This happens to BT also with daven's patch but the server goes on and never crrashes.

  7. #7


    So, no easy solution for it then?
    By the way, I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. Has anyone experienced this problem under Linux?

  8. #8


    Midnight could be usefull if you post a log from your server so we can analyze the problem.

  9. #9


    Basically it's the same error as Ancient Order posted in his OP.
    Just the "loadlibrary failed" and invalid memory location error...

    But here is the last part of the log, maybe it'll be helpful

    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    Warning: cvar "session" given initial values: "1" and "-1"
    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Cvar_Set2: session 1
    Cvar_Set2: session2 shotgun 0 0
    Cvar_Set2: session10 - 1 0
    Cvar_Set2: session11 - 1 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover 
    Cvar_Set2: bosshealth 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 574061284
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    -------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
    Cvar_Set2: skill 0
    soundtrack switched to .
    Cvar_Set2: sv_gravity 800
    Cvar_Set2: sv_cinematic 0
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 2 ms
    0 teams with 0 entities
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6.scr'
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext1 STALINGRAD
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext2 
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext3 
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext1 IP:
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext2 Facebook: DiaM Server
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpic mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 1
    Cvar_Set2: timelimit 20
    Cvar_Set2: dmflags 8
    Cvar_Set2: !all 
    Cvar_Set2: !axis 
    Cvar_Set2: !allies 
    Cvar_Set2: !spectator 
    Adding autosave names
    39 entities spawned
    115 simple entities spawned
    0 entities inhibited
    -------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 33 ms
    Going from CS_PRIMED to CS_ACTIVE for mido
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_batman.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_batman.tik
    ^~^~^ Bad model name 'models/player/allied_batman.tik'
    mido has entered the battle
    Going from CS_PRIMED to CS_ACTIVE for Instant Giblets
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_mr_bean.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_mr_bean.tik
    ^~^~^ Bad model name 'models/player/allied_mr_bean.tik'
    Instant Giblets has entered the battle
    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------  0.11 seconds
    ~~~ NAMECHANGE ~~~ Found Namefilter List - Windows Server
    Cvar_Set2: sv_scriptfiles 1
    Cvar_Set2: namechange 
    ***Starting Reborn Auto Ping Kick
    Found Immune List
    ***Starting AntinameChange Script
    Loaded Immune List
    Cvar_Set2: sv_scriptfiles 0
    ~~~ NAMECHANGE ~~~ Success Loaded badnames.cfg
    soundtrack switched to music/mohdm6.mus.
    playing music/mohdm6.mus
    music set to normal with fallback normal
    Loading Ambient.scr
    Cvar_Set2: g_playermodel american_army
    Cvar_Set2: sv_fps 20
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch Shutdown ------------------ 
    Shared settings memory deinitialized correctly.
    LocalizationError removal fix shutdown.
    G_BulletAttack: Unhooked correctly.
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals protection shutdown
    UserInfo Buffer overflow protection shutdown
    RConFlood Crash Protection shutdown
    InfoBoom Crash Protection shutdown
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Crash Protection shutdown
    Grenade Throw Crash Protection shutdown
    Player::PreviousWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection shutdown
    Player::NextWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection shutdown
    Kick/Ban Announcements Deinitialized
    ScriptedEvents System Deinitialized
    ScriptedTimers System Deinitialized
    Internal Packet Flood Protection Deinitialized
    ----------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch ShutdownEnd ---------------- 
    ==== ShutdownGame ====
    Cvar_Set2: session 1
    Cvar_Set2: session10 - 1 0
    Cvar_Set2: session11 - 1 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover 
    Cvar_Set2: bosshealth 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover 
    LoadLibrary("main/gamex86.dll") failed
    ...reason: 'Invalid access to memory location.
    Cvar_Set2: com_errorMessage Couldn't load game
    ----- Server Shutdown -----
    Cvar_Set2: sv_running 0

  10. #10
    Administrator James's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    on the intraweb


    Something doesn't make sense. "gamex86.dll" is the reborn patch, and it should be loading the original dll which should be renamed to "gamex86mohaa.dll".

    Has anything changed on the server prior to these error messages coming up? Some sort of software update or something maybe?
    I would just make sure you download the compatible binaries here: and replace them on the server. And then obviously reboot the game to see what happens.

    Also try replacing the original patch binaries as well.
    or here:

    You can also try to redownload the whole server with the patch already implemented:

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