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Thread: Quick-Edit Posts and Replies?

  1. #1
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Default Quick-Edit Posts and Replies?

    We all know how lazy am I, So i thought of, instead of redirecting to the edit page, Is it easy to use a js form instead so redirecting would be when you only post? like the quick reply box ?

    RyBack Lazy Principle:
    Just cuz u have to, doesn't mean you need too.

  2. #2
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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  3. #3


    No. Nothing is easy. Let me know when you have it working, and I'll install it on the forum.
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  4. #4
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    I don't understand the request? How would you enable the "quick edit box"?

  5. #5


    I think Ryback wants to rewrite vBulletin using a more client side architecture. But then again, if he did that, he might as well sell his version, get rich, and retire.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
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    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
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    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  6. #6
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James View Post
    I don't understand the request? How would you enable the "quick edit box"?
    Compare the "reply" button action with the "edit post" button action.
    Reply => uses javascript/jquery code to show the form without leaving the page.Post request is done via Ajax.
    Edit => redirects to the edit page. Which means leaving the page where you clicked edit. Form is posted via usual http requests.
    Now I suggest modifying the edit btn behaviour so it'd be similar to reply btn. Ie without forcing you to leave the current page.
    Last edited by RyBack; April 12th, 2016 at 07:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Administrator James's Avatar
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    Well I just checked and the option is enabled

  9. #9
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Found a useful thread.
    Perhaps trying what those guys say would help ? If u don't want to dig in the site or break something it is OK for. This whole thread is for the sake of my laziness.

  10. #10


    i think ryback is such a lazy computernerd that he has all mechanical equipment in house to not move, when his alarm goes in the morning automaticly the coffeemachine goes on wich include sugar and milk, autoshower and when he jumps out of bed he jumps right in his clothes etc

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