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Thread: Blacklist !!-U.N-!! Countdown-Light Servers?

  1. #11
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
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    I know RS very well (cuz i mod their servers) and I can guarantee that till this moment there is no solid evidence (or a non-vague one) of any of us trying to dos their servers. So this accusing wont be taken seriously unless something shows the opposite,
    That being said,
    I don't want to go deep in this discussion as it wont help anyone, they already got unranked from gametracker after gametracker's crew analyzed the server and own himself recognized the server as a fake players server. Trying to cover their ass by accusing us is pretty low .

  2. #12


    last message i send true for voodoo

    I'm sure about what i said on this game BT thier was only one egyption server their server (RS) server they are the only egyption server on Breakthrough, i know that the attackers are from egypt because of their ip's on this game generaly BT.SH only few servers use countdown like us and they are the only egyption countdown server the other servers 2a or WTF ... generaly we don't have any enmity with them or with any one but them, we did mod their server once on their first start but they was very ungrateful, any way they still the only egyption countdown server on this game we know it's them,

    he said earlier that they kept reporting gametracker about my server why would they care about our rank on the gametracker when we use defrent game they are BT and we left BT and run SH now so why did they kept reporting gametracker about my server why would they care ? do you understand me ? they are our only enmy but we never DDoS them even after they DDoS us on attemp to keep us dead for them to stay alive but we still didn't DDoS them back, we try to improve our server with moding not with hacking like they do to prevent other server to take their place,

    I'm not accusing them to cover my ass if i want i can open 10 new servers every day i don't need that one ip but i don't want you guys to messjudge us, to show you that this is not my intention to accuse them just to cover my ass like that kid said, i am willing to keep my server on the blacklist and i will permanently close all my servers but i need some justice on return you said the falsify server statistics and attack, DDOS, or impact other servers lead to bann the server from the MasterServer i request for their server to be added as well to the blacklist for justice to be served.

  3. #13


    Creating four servers to redirect to a hidden IP address doesn't make sense and won't solve your problem. Don't the binaries modded by the SH and BT community already have protection against flooding? I believe the binaries provided here (which speak with the new master server) have additional protections built in. I could be wrong though. This issue is usually fixed in MOHAA thanks to Reborn, but since Reborn doesn't exist for SH or BT, I don't know.

    Creating servers off of additional IP addresses will NOT help your situation either. That will just get those servers blacklisted as well. If you are truly being DDoS'd, there are different forms.

    For SH and BT, maybe try the following for fake player attacks:

    seta sv_timeout "50" 			//amount of time before assuming a disconnected state
    seta sv_zombietime "1"                 // After timeout is reached, this wait time will be used before reopening a slot for players
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

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  4. #14


    when they flood my server using the UDP port i use for my gameserver all players on the server get time out and no one be able to enter the server till the attack is over but when i change the port i use for my server the DDoS don't work because it only affect one port that's why i open four redirect servers this why they wont be able to DDoS them all at once, the idea is to prevent them from knowen the port i use for my main server so when you enter the redirect server the console is automaticaly close before forward the player to the main server and after you enter the main server the console is automaticaly clear so when the player reopen the consol he will find it blank that how i hide the main server

    about the binaries i don't think it stop the attack on BT or SH because i use the latest Revival Edition with the binaries and it is not helping, i think they use SYN flood tols such as hping but i am not sure what they using but when they flood the UDP port the DDoS kick all the players on the server (they all get timeout) and no one be able to enter the server till they stop the attack.

  5. #15


    How often does this happen? Do you have logged proof? Is it an attack against MOHAA or the server itself? Is this a Linux host? Have you applied the iptables rules mentioned in other threads? Have you blocked any IP ranges? You could always block all of Egypt if you think they're behind the attack. Have you adjusted timeout and zombietime as listed above?

    They could discover your true server port by connecting to any of your redirects and then seeing where they are forwarded. Doesn't seem like a good solution to me.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

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    Quality Game Servers

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  6. #16


    It happens all the time especially when they have few players and we have many players on the server they DDoS the server and the players go their server, My hosting give me full status about the attacks and the ports they use and their ip's but they all are fake source ip that's why i thought they might use tools such as hping it provide to flood with fake ip's, so it's not possible block the ip's because it's all fake ip's (if you wanna know how did i know their reall ip i rather not to tell you here because i don't want them to know) , the attack on the server itself with the UDP port i use for the server, the time out on the server is 100 but i don't think it matter because the server stay close as long as they still DDoS the server.

  7. #17


    Your server will be removed from the blacklist if you do the following:

    No more redirect servers. Expose your real server to the master server. No falsifying of server statistics (no more fake players).

    I would recommend you try these iptables rules:

    iptables -A INPUT -p UDP -m length --length 20:512 -m recent --set --name getstatus_cod
    iptables -A INPUT -p UDP -m string --algo bm --string "getstatus" -m recent --update --seconds 1 --hitcount 2 --name getstatus_cod -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p UDP -m string --algo bm --string "getchallenge" -m recent --update --seconds 1 --hitcount 2 --name getstatus_cod -j DROP
    This should help with DDoS attacks against MOH. Each time the server is rebooted, you will lose these IP tables rules. Make sure they are re-added upon boot.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

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    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  8. #18


    I will do as you said but what if this iptables didn't stop the attack what am i supposed to do ?!

  9. #19


    We'll need to investigate these attacks a little more

    Hopefully, the community will be able to help (myself included). What is the IP address of the Egyptian server you believe may be attacking you? I will not add them to the blacklist for now, but you should make all of the information about the attacks directed against your server public on these forums.

    Please let me know when you have stopped the redirect servers, exposed your main server to the master, and I will remove the blacklist.

    I really don't want this to turn into a witch hunt, but server administrators must play fair. Going forward, the x-null community will not tolerate nonsense from server administrators.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
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    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
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    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  10. #20


    Do you still need help getting your server situation sorted? I'd like to remove your IP from the blacklist once you let me know that you have completed what we asked.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
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    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

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