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Thread: ARM support

  1. #1
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
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    Jan 2012

    Default ARM support

    Would be cool to see the patch supported for ARM processors in the future.
    For example run a mohaa server on a raspberry pi, a colocation for a raspberry pi costs 1.50€/month here so would be a nice way to host a mohaa server.

    Depends ofcourse how good the performance will be on a raspberry pi.

    Again this shouldn't be the first priority, would just be awesome to have this in the future!
    Last edited by Appelpitje; September 18th, 2014 at 06:36 AM.

  2. #2


    I know its an old thread, but just to give more information on this...

    At I'm running Medal Of Honor Allied Assault (Reborn 1.12) linux server on a raspberry pi 3, so it is possible.

    First I wanted to reverse engineer a quake3 installation for the Raspberry Pi and hack a MOHAA server of it. Making a mohaa client connect to a 'hacked' quake3 server was quite easy, but than slowly the shit started.. I've started to look into this ever since the Raspberry Pi could run a version of quake3. But no great success. Also the open mohaa was not my favorite..

    Finally I found a company that makes, for the first time ever, it possible to emulate a x86 on a ARM in a really nice, quick and stable way. It's called Exagear. (It than even could run Netflix)
    From that point on it's really too easy, you install Moh:AA Reborn 1.12 on the Raspberry Pi and start the linux version. It actually ran mohaa in client mode quite nice and even better, for me, a dedicated mohaa server. (Dit not take a look at the mohaa fps count on the pi in client mode.. Will take a look into that..)

    This Pi now runs Mohaa, vspstats for mohaa, teamspeak 2 and 3, the BadAssDummies clan website and many more things like being a NAS and so on...
    The server lag is quite minimal. With 10 players I could notice some small lags of about 100ms every 5 minutes or so, but than again that could be from the other things running on the Pi.

    All possible thanks to Moh:AA Reborn 1.12 and Exagear.

    Feel free to visit the badassdummies clan.


  3. #3
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    Thanks for your repsonse about this topic!
    I saw Exagear back in those times, but dunno why i would pay almost the same price for a raspberry pi 3 to run x86 applications.

    How is the performance for the server?

  4. #4

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