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Thread: Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer

  1. #1

    Default Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer

    Hey Guys,

    Please try the Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer patcher utility I wrote. It should be easier and quicker to use than the universal patcher. It will update ANY version of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Medal of Honor: Spearhead, and Medal of Honor: Breakthrough to use the new master server to find game servers now that GameSpy has been shut down.

    New Features Latest Update:

    It will also patch both server and client binaries to use the new master server. It supports both the Windows and Linux binaries. However, you'll need to do the patching from your Windows computer. Thus, if you want to patch a linux binary, simply download it and put it in your MOHAA\Main. Run the utility and patch detected games. Both server and client binaries have been updated.

    If you are unable to find game servers after June 30, 2014, you will need to patch your game executables to query the new master server to get a server list. Use this program to do it!

    Requires the .NET 2.0 framework to run. If you have a newer version of the framework, it should run just fine. If you need to install it, here are some links: .NET Framework 2.0 x86 Download | .NET Framework 2.0 x64 Download

    Download the Medal of Honor Game Server Browser Fixer

    You will need to run the binary as an administrator.


    If your game server isn't showing up in-game and you've added it already to the list, please patch your game server executables. If you're running a Linux server, have your host install and use the appropriate Linux pre-patched binary from this package. Once you do this, your game servers will communicate with the new master server and show up in the server list in-game.
    Last edited by own3mall; August 23rd, 2014 at 05:57 PM.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  2. #2
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    In Front of the screen


    first tester

    does this need a host file too ?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by RyBack View Post
    first tester

    does this need a host file too ?
    No, it patches the binary to use the new master server address.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  4. #4


    Whorks very well

  5. #5
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Poland, Lublin


    When I'm home I'll udate the website to add all your tools

  6. #6
    Developer RyBack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    In Front of the screen


    nice it works , can't believe it i'm the first tester

  7. #7


    Nice tool.Does it use a different master server? Using the reborn master server through hosts modification shows over 600 servers without a problem but the MOHGSFixer.exe patcher only shows 167 with most of servers missing.I ran it as administrator(it showed an error when I ran it as regular).
    Win 7 64 bit.
    Camp another day.

  8. #8
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Poland, Lublin


    When you tested? I just cleaned DB and re-fill it again as there was an error causing many servers to show up (over 4k)

  9. #9


    I just tested, showed about 310 servers, and it's working great. Super fast. Tested in MOHAA, MOHSH (170 servers or so), and MOHBT (170 servers or so).

    Is the web socket still up though? It's showing offline at
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  10. #10
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Poland, Lublin


    It is - I just changed the port from 18000 to 8000 and didn't make an update to website.

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