I made a few updates on the Forums today and just wanted to make you all aware of the changes.
As I understand many of you are concerned about the progress of the patch because there haven't been any public updates in a while. I can assure you that despite a lot of public activity on the patch, we have been very busy still making changes to the patch. To help ease the worry on the public, I created a new module on the forums called "Projects". You will see this button in the top navigation to the right of "Forum".
The way I invision this to work is I want the community to write any issues they come across.
Then one of the devs or admins can work on it.
Since this is a new module, I will start populating it with what's been done and what hasn't so you have a general idea of where we stand.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. The project tab is public so everyone should see it, however you have to be registered and logged into the forums to view it.
If you have any issues with submitting requests or for devs (any issues editting an issue or working on an issue), please let me know so I can make sure the permissions are configured properly.
Hi James think its a very good idea So may I suggest a couple of things........
Just thinking so think its going to need a few sub forums...........Just an example or will get a bit busy with many sub topics
ReBorn Project - So here just Pure Reborn server and Client updates
Server Side
Client Side
Sub Projects (So here Using Client or Serverside Reborn code to improve MOHAA)
Server Side
Mods / Maps
Admin Control
Client Side
Mods / Maps
Admin Control
Both ? (As in effects Client and Server)
Mods / Maps
Admin Control
Well the reborn project is being worked on as a "whole". This includes both client and serverside modules, however I do plan on showing the different features and functions and showing the public where we're at with regards to the patch!
And to answer your question, I can easily add more sub categories if need be.
Just wanted to relive this thread in order to know if there is any further development going on with Reborn patch. Haven't seen Razo in a long time. I know that most ( may be all) of the server side vulnerabilities / bugs have been taken care off.
But as far as I remember James also mentioned something about client side development. Is someone looking into it? Can someone make a client side patch which checks the legitimacy of the files, before loading them in memory and only then connect with the server. This would be helpful for those who are into wars and need a trusted software. So they should be comfortable with a clientside / serverside custom binaries.
Just sharing my thoughts to keep the spirit alive !!!!