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Thread: Display The Massage for mohaa

  1. #1

    Default Display The Massage for mohaa

    i want to display my clan name in mohaa map where some people write there clan name and website link and and want to display the massage after every 15 second cheat checking and other massage like your ping is high ....

  2. #2


    thread welcome
         wait 30.0
    	huddraw_font 200 "verdana-14"
    	huddraw_alpha 200 0.8
    	huddraw_color 200 0.8 0 0
    	huddraw_align 200 left bottom
    	huddraw_rect 200 300 -16 100 16
    	huddraw_string 200 ("Welcome to whatever")
         wait 30.0
         huddraw_font 200 "verdana-14"
    	huddraw_alpha 200 0.8
    	huddraw_color 200 0.8 0 0
    	huddraw_align 200 left bottom
    	huddraw_rect 200 300 -16 100 16
    	huddraw_string 200 ("Whatever you want here")
         wait 10.0
         huddraw_font 200 "verdana-14"
    	huddraw_alpha 200 0.8
    	huddraw_color 200 0.8 0 0
    	huddraw_align 200 left bottom
    	huddraw_rect 200 300 -16 100 16
    	huddraw_string 200 ("") // empty so message will go away
         wait (120 + randomint(300))// radom time so not to bug players
    goto welcome
    don't know about the cheat thing or high ping but as far as clan stuff I use this

    I don't know about this stuff there is most likely a btter way but it works for me.

  3. #3
    Client Beta Testers Appelpitje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Why use it in a while(1) loop?
    I remmember on Spearhead if u do this the text get f'ed up and gets really big.

  4. #4


    lol well I didn't make that scr I just changed some things like added the random time thing from other scr ( nocampallies) (admins hud) that goto part came from DMZ_dogtags I make what I wanted. But it works, like I say there's a better way to do it I just don't know about doing it so I keep copy and paste stuff to see what it does, and I learn somethings along the way.

  5. #5


    bro it to simple can you tell me any other way some stylish plzz and thanks for this one its really work but simple and colour is red ....

  6. #6


    you can change the color here
    huddraw_color 200 0.8 0 0 // last 3 #'s 0.8 0 0 As far as stylish as far as I know you have to use the fonts that are in mohaa fonts folder, I think, like I said I don't know a lot about this scripting stuff I just copy and paste what I find till I get what I want. The only other way I know is for you to use another program that has all that stuff already...CI ...Foresight...Scapp....Admin Pro. And then if you are using the reborn patch which you should you have to make sure it will work with the patch.
    Personally I find all that extra stuff bugs me always popping up on screen telling people what they already know...but that's just me It's just extra crap for the server to load.

  7. #7


    Hello, where can I change welcome massage instead of "Press fire to join the battle"?

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