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Thread: 1.116 (Crashes on restart map whit KillstreakRewards+Elgbot221)

  1. #1

    Default 1.116 (Crashes on restart map whit KillstreakRewards+Elgbot221)

    Server's running like a charm...only when ill press restart it crashes?
    Thought ill let you guys now.maybe interesting,maybe not

    (The server don't crashes when i remove the mod)

    Cvar_Set2: g_logsync 1
    Cvar_Set2: timelimit 30
    Cvar_Set2: fraglimit 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 3
    g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
    Cvar_Set2: g_extgametype tdm
    Cvar_Set2: sv_maplist dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 3
    Cvar_Set2: sv_maxclients 32
    Cvar_Set2: sv_fps 20
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    Warning: cvar "sv_maxclients" given initial values: "1" and "32"
    Cvar_Set2: sv_running 1
    LoadLibrary (main/gamex86.dll)

    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitGame ------------------
    Warning: cvar "sv_zombietime" given initial values: "2" and "1"
    Warning: cvar "sv_timeout" given initial values: "120" and "10"
    Cvar_Set2: dedicated 2
    Initializing CVARS. Done!
    Performing game and patch files integrity check...
    --> MoHAA Server Hash: 6e6c402831306025d75ada19a66fc156
    --> Gamex86 Hash: 06546e0c5345617b22a340c85110b574
    --> mohaa_server.exe file valid!
    --> gamex86mohaa.dll file valid!
    --> Next update check will be performed after 11 hours (0 day/s)!
    Initializing Chat Filter. Done!
    Initializing Banned Names List. Done!
    Initializing Banned IPs List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Votes List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Maps List. Done!
    Initializing Admins List. Done!
    Initializing Protected Names List. Done! mapped into address space. Shared settings initialized!
    LocalizationError fix Address: 0x0043bb24
    LocalizationError removal fix applied.
    G_BulletAttack Address: 0x31176e10
    G_BulletAttack: Hooked correctly.
    SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint Address: 0x434520
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals Protection applied
    Black Window Patch Address: 0x31177640
    Shoot through Black Window/Furniture/Light Bulbs Hack Protection applied
    RConFlood Patch Address: 0x432fc1
    RConFlood Crash Protection applied
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3 & 0x421b4e
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3
    InfoBoom Crash Protection applied
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Address: 0x428fad
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Crash Protection applied
    SV_UpdateUserinfo_f Address: 0x42f0f0
    UserInfo Buffer overflow protection applied (512 chars limit)
    Player::CondMinChargeTime CallAddress: 0x3112cb31
    Grenade Drop&Charge Crash Protection applied
    Player::PreviousWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    Player::NextWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    ScriptedEvents System Initialized
    Kick/Ban Announcements Initialized
    Internal Packet Flood Protection Initialized
    Allowed remote tool IP: (7f000001)
    ---------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitFinished ----------------

    ==== InitGame ====
    Warning: cvar "cheats" given initial values: "1" and "0"
    Cvar_Set2: cheats 0
    Cvar_Set2: deathmatch 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametypestring Round-Based-Match
    Cvar_Set2: g_tempaxisscore 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_tempaxiswinsinrow 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_tempalliesscore 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_tempallieswinsinrow 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_tempmaptime 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover
    sizeof(Actor) == 2960
    Magic sizeof actor numer: 2896

    Event system initialized: 154 classes 1382 events 851312 total memory in response list

    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Cvar_Set2: session 3
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover
    Cvar_Set2: bosshealth 0
    CM_LoadMap( maps/dm/mohdm6.bsp, 0 )
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_structure/jh_conc2.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/hotelwthr_trim.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_industrial/deckgrate_set1b.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/whitewoodbm.tga
    Cvar_Set2: sv_mapChecksum 2104347531
    Cvar_Set2: mapname dm/mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 170697915
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'panzerschreck2' in 'models/weapons/panzerschreck.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Channel named Bip01 L Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    Channel named Bip01 R Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    Cvar_Set2: elgbot_sounds 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext1
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext3
    Cvar_Set2: sv_keypressevents 1
    -------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
    Cvar_Set2: skill 0
    soundtrack switched to .
    Cvar_Set2: sv_gravity 800
    Cvar_Set2: sv_cinematic 0
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_bipod_nonstatic.tik
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_gun.tik
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 19 ms
    0 teams with 0 entities
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6.scr'
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext1 Stalingrad
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext1
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpic mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: FST_playerNames
    Cvar_Set2: g_mef_version 1.2.2
    Cvar_Set2: g_mef_lastmap -1 0 dm/mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametypestring Team-Match
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 2
    Cvar_Set2: session 2
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/fx/dummy.tik
    Adding autosave names
    Cvar_Set2: g_mef_currentsettings mapfix: 1
    39 entities spawned
    115 simple entities spawned
    0 entities inhibited
    -------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 132 ms
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/static/v2.tik
    Cvar_Set2: sv_paks
    Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPaks
    Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPakNames

    -----------PARSING UBERSOUND (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.028000 seconds.
    -------------UBERSOUND DONE (SERVER)---------------

    -----------PARSING UBERDIALOG (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/uberdialog.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.130000 seconds.
    -------------UBERDIALOG DONE (SERVER)---------------

    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 1.46 seconds
    soundtrack switched to music/mohdm6.mus.
    playing music/mohdm6.mus
    music set to normal with fallback normal
    Loading Ambient.scr
    Hitch warning: 1545 msec frame time
    Cvar_Set2: g_playermodel american_army
    Cvar_Set2: sv_fps 20
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    Warning: cvar "session" given initial values: "3" and "-1"
    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Cvar_Set2: session 2
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover
    Cvar_Set2: bosshealth 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 170710777
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: destroyed and destroyed
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: mine and mine
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: tiescore and tiescore
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: missilelaunch and missilelaunch
    Cvar_Set2: elgbot_sounds 0
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: headshot and headshot
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: dominating and dominating
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: double_kill and double_kill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: firstblood and firstblood
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: godlike and godlike
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: holys__t and holys__t
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: killingspree and killingspree
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: monsterkill and monsterkill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: multikill and multikill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: rampage and rampage
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: ultrakill and ultrakill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: unstoppable and unstoppable
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: airforce and airforce
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: changed and changed
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext1
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover

  2. #2
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Poland, Lublin


    Hi, can you upload somewhere both mods and tell exactly how to crash it so I can test it?

  3. #3

  4. #4


    type restart in console or try restart map whit JH Admintool

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    fuck off?


    try set developer 3, then get a proper logfile ..maybe synq log too.

    then restart it and get some nice feedback,.

    if it crashes try one of the mods, ie...get rid of the reward thing which should be properly integrated into elgbot anyway (sorry but why count things twice )

    then if it elgbot and disable the files.scr by just deleting it, reboot, if it works..its the read whole file hack....cant think of anything else.

  6. #6


    log settings

    set developer 3
    set chat 1
    seta sv_chatter 1
    seta logfile 3
    seta g_logsync 1

    then i typed "restard in the server's the new log.

    (Elgan) Didn't have so mutch time atm but will try to do the things you sayed a bit later.


    g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    LoadLibrary (main/gamex86.dll)

    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitGame ------------------
    Initializing CVARS. Done!
    Performing game and patch files integrity check...
    --> MoHAA Server Hash: 6e6c402831306025d75ada19a66fc156
    --> Gamex86 Hash: 06546e0c5345617b22a340c85110b574
    --> mohaa_server.exe file valid!
    --> gamex86mohaa.dll file valid!
    --> Next update check will be performed after 11 hours (0 day/s)!
    Initializing Chat Filter. Done!
    Initializing Banned Names List. Done!
    Initializing Banned IPs List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Votes List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Maps List. Done!
    Initializing Admins List. Done!
    Initializing Protected Names List. Done! mapped into address space. Shared settings initialized!
    LocalizationError fix Address: 0x0043bb24
    LocalizationError removal fix applied.
    G_BulletAttack Address: 0x31176e10
    G_BulletAttack: Hooked correctly.
    SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint Address: 0x434520
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals Protection applied
    Black Window Patch Address: 0x31177640
    Shoot through Black Window/Furniture/Light Bulbs Hack Protection applied
    RConFlood Patch Address: 0x432fc1
    RConFlood Crash Protection applied
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3 & 0x421b4e
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3
    InfoBoom Crash Protection applied
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Address: 0x428fad
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Crash Protection applied
    SV_UpdateUserinfo_f Address: 0x42f0f0
    UserInfo Buffer overflow protection applied (512 chars limit)
    Player::CondMinChargeTime CallAddress: 0x3112cb31
    Grenade Drop&Charge Crash Protection applied
    Player::PreviousWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    Player::NextWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    ScriptedEvents System Initialized
    Kick/Ban Announcements Initialized
    Internal Packet Flood Protection Initialized
    Allowed remote tool IP: (7f000001)
    ---------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitFinished ----------------

    ==== InitGame ====
    sizeof(Actor) == 2960
    Magic sizeof actor numer: 2896

    Event system initialized: 154 classes 1382 events 851312 total memory in response list

    ==== CleanupGame ====
    CM_LoadMap( maps/dm/mohdm6.bsp, 0 )
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_structure/jh_conc2.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/hotelwthr_trim.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_industrial/deckgrate_set1b.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/whitewoodbm.tga
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'panzerschreck2' in 'models/weapons/panzerschreck.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Channel named Bip01 L Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    Channel named Bip01 R Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    -------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
    soundtrack switched to .
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_bipod_nonstatic.tik
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_gun.tik
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 21 ms
    0 teams with 0 entities
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6.scr'
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/fx/dummy.tik
    Adding autosave names
    39 entities spawned
    115 simple entities spawned
    0 entities inhibited
    -------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 89 ms
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/static/v2.tik

    -----------PARSING UBERSOUND (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.026000 seconds.
    -------------UBERSOUND DONE (SERVER)---------------

    -----------PARSING UBERDIALOG (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/uberdialog.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.131000 seconds.
    -------------UBERDIALOG DONE (SERVER)---------------

    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 1.27 seconds
    soundtrack switched to music/mohdm6.mus.
    playing music/mohdm6.mus
    music set to normal with fallback normal
    Loading Ambient.scr
    Hitch warning: 1317 msec frame time
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: destroyed and destroyed
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: mine and mine
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: tiescore and tiescore
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: missilelaunch and missilelaunch
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: headshot and headshot
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: dominating and dominating
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: double_kill and double_kill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: firstblood and firstblood
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: godlike and godlike
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: holys__t and holys__t
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: killingspree and killingspree
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: monsterkill and monsterkill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: multikill and multikill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: rampage and rampage
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: ultrakill and ultrakill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: unstoppable and unstoppable
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: airforce and airforce
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: changed and changed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    fuck off?


    hm interesting. thanx for the quick reply.

    The log really shows nothing, just how little errors my code has.lmao

    The map crashes with no actual errors...Did you try this on the desktop?
    It also appears to crash this correct...or when you rebooted is after the last line? because it hasnt printed anything to say its rebooting.

    it may be when it would run intermission first right?.,...but that's odd as it would of been flagged by someone else by now I would of imagined? you have full permissions for your dir?

    I'm only guessing here, I could be way off...

  8. #8


    Yes,tryed it on my desktop.

    Yesterday a guy whit Admin rights try to restart map (midgame) whit the JH Admintool and then it crashed.

    so i restarted the server from my desktop and typed restart in the console and it also crashed.

    That's abouth all technicall things i can answer abouth,i am a noob ad these things

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    fuck off?


    does it crash with just elgbot?

  10. #10



    just removed the map Elgbot from the whole mod.still crashes when i type restart in console (desktop)


    g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    LoadLibrary (main/gamex86.dll)

    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitGame ------------------
    Initializing CVARS. Done!
    Performing game and patch files integrity check...
    --> MoHAA Server Hash: 6e6c402831306025d75ada19a66fc156
    --> Gamex86 Hash: 06546e0c5345617b22a340c85110b574
    --> mohaa_server.exe file valid!
    --> gamex86mohaa.dll file valid!
    --> Next update check will be performed after 11 hours (0 day/s)!
    Initializing Chat Filter. Done!
    Initializing Banned Names List. Done!
    Initializing Banned IPs List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Votes List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Maps List. Done!
    Initializing Admins List. Done!
    Initializing Protected Names List. Done! mapped into address space. Shared settings initialized!
    LocalizationError fix Address: 0x0043bb24
    LocalizationError removal fix applied.
    G_BulletAttack Address: 0x31176e10
    G_BulletAttack: Hooked correctly.
    SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint Address: 0x434520
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals Protection applied
    Black Window Patch Address: 0x31177640
    Shoot through Black Window/Furniture/Light Bulbs Hack Protection applied
    RConFlood Patch Address: 0x432fc1
    RConFlood Crash Protection applied
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3 & 0x421b4e
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3
    InfoBoom Crash Protection applied
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Address: 0x428fad
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Crash Protection applied
    SV_UpdateUserinfo_f Address: 0x42f0f0
    UserInfo Buffer overflow protection applied (512 chars limit)
    Player::CondMinChargeTime CallAddress: 0x3112cb31
    Grenade Drop&Charge Crash Protection applied
    Player::PreviousWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    Player::NextWeapon Infinite Loop Crash Protection applied
    ScriptedEvents System Initialized
    Kick/Ban Announcements Initialized
    Internal Packet Flood Protection Initialized
    Allowed remote tool IP: (7f000001)
    ---------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitFinished ----------------

    ==== InitGame ====
    sizeof(Actor) == 2960
    Magic sizeof actor numer: 2896

    Event system initialized: 154 classes 1382 events 851312 total memory in response list

    ==== CleanupGame ====
    CM_LoadMap( maps/dm/mohdm6.bsp, 0 )
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_structure/jh_conc2.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/hotelwthr_trim.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_industrial/deckgrate_set1b.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/whitewoodbm.tga
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'panzerschreck2' in 'models/weapons/panzerschreck.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Channel named Bip01 L Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    Channel named Bip01 R Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    -------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
    soundtrack switched to .
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_bipod_nonstatic.tik
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/statweapons/mg42_gun.tik
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 21 ms
    0 teams with 0 entities
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6.scr'
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/fx/dummy.tik
    Adding autosave names
    39 entities spawned
    115 simple entities spawned
    0 entities inhibited
    -------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 89 ms
    ^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
    cache models/static/v2.tik

    -----------PARSING UBERSOUND (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.026000 seconds.
    -------------UBERSOUND DONE (SERVER)---------------

    -----------PARSING UBERDIALOG (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/uberdialog.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.136000 seconds.
    -------------UBERDIALOG DONE (SERVER)---------------

    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 1.33 seconds
    soundtrack switched to music/mohdm6.mus.
    playing music/mohdm6.mus
    music set to normal with fallback normal
    Loading Ambient.scr
    Hitch warning: 1378 msec frame time
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Loading Reborn Loader...
    ScriptMaster::ExecuteThread: Can't find 'reborn/reborn_loader.scr'
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
    Running Killstreak Rewards
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: destroyed and destroyed
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: mine and mine
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: tiescore and tiescore
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: missilelaunch and missilelaunch
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: headshot and headshot
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: dominating and dominating
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: double_kill and double_kill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: firstblood and firstblood
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: godlike and godlike
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: holys__t and holys__t
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: killingspree and killingspree
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: monsterkill and monsterkill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: multikill and multikill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: rampage and rampage
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: ultrakill and ultrakill
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: unstoppable and unstoppable
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: airforce and airforce
    DUPLICATE ALIASES: changed and changed

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