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Thread: OwN-3m-All's Ubermod All-In-One MOHAA Mod :: Server Mod, Admin Menu, Configs & Editor

  1. #1

    Default OwN-3m-All's Ubermod All-In-One MOHAA Mod :: Server Mod, Admin Menu, Configs & Editor

    OwN-3m-All’s Ubermod
    Version 5.0
    Released: 8/15/2020

    Updates in Version 5.0

    • Various bug fixes in MOHAA Config Generator
    • Fix rcon restart crash caused by reborn intermission bug. Intermission script to swap teams automatically is no longer run to prevent this issue.
    • Fixes in weapon animations.
    • Fixed damage and other weapon settings to be OGL compliant when OGL scrims are executed.
    • Rabbit script updated to latest version
    • Generic fixes and performance improvements.

    Updates in Version 4.0

    • Various bug fixes in MOHAA Config Generator
    • New hit points mod
    • Added autoexec.cfg to local admin menu mod to make sure it always works.
    • A few misc and random bug fies.

    Updates in Version 3.0

    • Light cvar for spawn protection mod (edit settings in configs folder "spawn_protect.txt")
    • Moved weapon settings to the configs folder (edit player_spawned.scr and weapon_settings.txt)
    • Added email settings script. (edit settings in configs folder "email.scr")
    • Added anti-camp mod to the collection. (edit settings in configs folder "camper.txt")
    • Added spawn protection mod to the collection. (edit settings in configs folder "spawn_protect.txt")
    • Improved MOHAAConfigGenerator.exe to setup and automatically configure initial base mods (elgbot, lastManStanding, teamBalance, antiCamp, SpawnProtection) based on GUI selection.
    • Couple of bug fixes in the client side admin menu

    Hey All! I'd like everyone to please test this mod! All of the information you need is written below! Please report any bugs, something's not working, suggestions, and comments here. I've tested it, but I may have missed some things! Please let me know what you think!

    Download The Ubermod -- scroll down the description and click on the download button.

    Youtube Video Guide

    What is this mod?

    It’s a collection of mods, configs, and scripts all-in-one! It is the only mod you need on your server. Anti-crash fixes and anti-shark fixes have been implemented in this mod. This mod uses creaper’s weapons mod.

    Features the following mods:

    • The Push Mod
    • Rabbit Mod
    • Freeze-Tag
    • Capture the Flag
    • Objective Mods
    • FFA Mods
    • Liberation
    • Demolition
    • Base Assault
    • Base Builder
    • Build-A-Base
    • Last man standing
    • Team balancer
    • Countdown
    • Beach Soccer
    • Scrim Configs and Modes
    • DM to OBJ Conversions
    • SP to MP map conversions
    • Hit Points Mod

    Install Instructions:

    Make a backup / copy of your current mods on the server. You'll need to remove all mods, as some mods may conflict with the ubermod. The ubermod has everything you could ever possibly want.

    Requires Latest Version of Reborn 1.12 Server Patch:

    This mod requires the server to be running the latest version of Reborn. This is the unofficial 1.12 patch that adds new functionality that is critical to the operation of this mod. To download and for more information, visit X-Null.

    Setting Up Server Configs Used by the Mod:

    1. Extract the zip to a folder on your PC using a program like WinRar.
    2. From this folder, browse in the server_mod directory by double clicking it.
    3. If your server runs a Linux server, double click on the linux folder.
    4. If your server runs a Windows server, double click on the windows folder.
    5. Within this directory, double click on the main folder.
    6. Double click the configs directory.
    7. Run the MohaaConfigGenerator.exe program to setup your default config settings

    Using MohaaConfigGenerator:

    The MOHAA Config Generator program looks like this:

    The config folder should be set to the current directory of all the configs. However, if you wantto use the config generator for other configs, click the “Browse...” button and pick a folder where you have config files. It is recommended not to change this!

    • In the “Clan Tag” field enter your clan’s tag (for example -*B[w]*- )
    • In the “Full Clan Name” field, enter your clan’s full name (for example: Brothers in War)
    • In the “Scrim Password” field, set your clan’s desired scrim password.
    • In the Default Weapon Config dropdown, pick your default weapon config. (ECL and TWL modes use Sniper Only OGL [2-shots 1 kill] settings)
    • In the Max Players dropdown, choose the number of slots your server is allowed to run.
    • In the Server IP field, type in your server’s IP address and Port. (Example:

    When you’ve finished setting your server’s desired settings, click on “Save Input” and then click on “Update Configs”

    Your config files have now been customized automatically for you!

    Edit the Server.cfg Config File:

    Go back to the previous directory where you see the mod, configs folder, and server.cfg. Edit the server.cfg to set your defaults (rcon password and stuff). This is the only config file you’ll need to edit manually. Save your changes and close your text editor.

    Create Admin Accounts:

    For a Windows server, the admins.ini file is in the main folder. For a Linux server, the admins.ini file is located in the MOHAA folder. You need to edit this file to create admin accounts with different permissions and custom logins.
    Read the “Reborn ReadMe.pdf” for help.

    //This is example:
    login=test password=test rights=16383
    Gives the test user full rights to the server using a login of test and a password of test.

    For more help, please check out this link:

    Stop your server using your provider’s control panel. Save the file and upload this to your server.

    Upload the Server Mod, Configs Folder, and Server.cfg:

    Stop your server using your provider’s control panel.

    Upload the files in the server_mod\windows\ or server_mod\linux\ folder depending on your server’s operating system to the server’s MOHAA\MAIN directory. Start the server. Your server is now running the Ubermod.

    Clientside Admin Menu Install:

    Move the files in the local_mod\main directory to your local PC’s MOHAA\MAIN directory. When you join your server, press F11 to setup the menu’s key bindings.

    For a complete guide on how to use and setup the admin clientside mod, check out this video guide:

    You’re done! The Ubermod is installed on your server! Everything is configured for you to run anything!

    Notes / Help / Credits:

    Ultimate Video Guide:
    Check out this video guide which walks you through the entire process of configuring and using the ubermod!


    The MOHAAConfigGenerator program is written in C#. You must install or already have installed Microsoft’s .NET Framework 2.0. You can download and install this here:

    Windows 7, Vista, XP x64 (64-bit Editions):

    Windows 7, Vista, XP (x86 Editions):

    The MOHAAConfigGenerator application works on all Windows versions. Sorry, but there is noLinux version.

    Known Issues:

    If you have an autoexec.cfg file in your local computer's MOHAA/MAIN directory, you'll need to delete it or the client admin menu mod will not work!

    If you discover any bugs, have questions, or need help configuring something, post in the Ubermod thread at x-null!

    Created by OwN-3m-All:
    The Push Mod
    OwN’s Special Teleporter Mod
    Last Man Standing
    Team Balancer
    All Config Files
    Some Script Files
    Hit Points Mod
    Other Mods:
    Other mods are created by their respected authors. The admin menu is a variant of the menu
    released by Merlin.
    Thanks to:
    Elgan (elgbot and others)
    Other x-null members
    RazorRapid for REBORN!
    MOHAA Community
    And others I may have missed. Your work has helped shaped this mod!
    Last edited by own3mall; June 22nd, 2014 at 02:46 PM.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
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    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  2. #2
    Purple Developer Purple Elephant1au's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Wow , Nice Job!!

    Purple's Playground
    OBJ :
    xfire: purpleelephant1au
    skydrive: PurpleElephantSkydrive

  3. #3


    Definitely this is something that you MUST have. Thanks for sharing, I bet there are some nice stuffs in this mod

  4. #4


    Really nice collection of mods, the only thing I'm missing is a spawn protect and anti-camp mod then it would be complete server package I think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I think you have the old Base Assault version because the new one is writed to the Reborn patch. I will send the new version to you.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Veers View Post
    I think you have the old Base Assault version because the new one is writed to the Reborn patch. I will send the new version to you.
    I am using version 1.0 which does use the reborn patch. Base Assault and 3rd Person Single Player Maps crashes though because of some reborn bugs which I hope will be fixed soon.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Murdock View Post
    Really nice collection of mods, the only thing I'm missing is a spawn protect and anti-camp mod then it would be complete server package I think.
    I guess, though, I hate both mods. Send me links to these mods, and I can include them in the package.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  8. #8


    I always have used the ones in admin-pro which you problably already have

  9. #9


    I've noticed a few bugs and will attempt to sort them out shortly.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

  10. #10


    Fixed a clientside menu bug where the map change menu would not work properly.

    Download the update to the admin mod (install in your computer's MOHAA main) here:

    In terms of the ubermod, the config generator has a bug dealing with server passwords, which I was sure I had resolved before releasing, but I guess not. I'll be looking into it as well as adding some of the mods mentioned by members above for a future release 1.1 update.
    Browse MOHAA Servers Post GameSpy Era


    Medal of Honor: Game Server Browser Fixer - Patches your MOHAA, MOHSH, and MOHBT game binaries to allow you to retrieve a list of game servers within the multi-player menu in-game even after GameSpy ceases operation!

    Medal of Honor: Query Launcher - Find, browse, organize, join, get your ping, and get more information regarding all Medal of Honor (AA, SH, & BT) servers from your PC at any time!
    Medal of Honor: Web Server Master List - Find and browse all Medal of Honor servers online using your browser!
    Add your Medal of Honor Server to the Master List
    YouTube Video for Medal of Honor: Query Launcher and MOHAASERVERS.TK!

    MOHAA Mods and Utilities
    OwN-3m-All's Mods
    Make Me Stock - A program that allows you to easily move-in and move-out non-stock mods and other files at the click of a button. Automates adding / removing mods without having to copy / move files manually.

    Quality Game Servers

    Rent dedicated Dallas Texas, Kansas City, Las Vegas Nevada, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Sofia Bulgaria MOHAA and other game servers from We Be HostiN starting at $10 a month.

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