Shadow and val, what can I say ??? You are both so right. It's just the way the things are, and for me it's sad to see where this is heading ... I've just defended myself by something I've never done. I think this is a normal reaction. Indeed, all clans fight in this never ending war agains cheaters , but let's admint it: People will always try to break the rules, new cheats are made everyday and players will try to exploit everything they can ; all the games have this issue. I understand the concerning of the admins, but if you have power above others don't abuse it, be a model for players becouse you represent your group. I'm a server owner too and i have an opinion about kicking players: Every kick or ban must be backed up by evidence, I didn't banned someone just becouse seems "suspicious" ... First check then decide. Admins need to change this behaviour and not act by the feeling ... this is what bothers me. And YES, I was banned from servers for nothing, it's not the first time, but I asked them on the forums for the reason. They replied: "We dont like players like you on our servers" . That maked me think: "Players like me??" -what this means? . Ohhhh i get it. Players like me that kill you 20 times/round and you can't handle it becouse you are familiar playing with beginers ....
Anyway, i dont want to get a heart attack by thinking at this ... lol . And if anyoane from COH clan felt offended by any reason I want to say to them: Please accept my apologizes, it isn't what i've intended.