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Thread: Dave - COH clan server related "problems" ...

  1. #11


    Shadow and val, what can I say ??? You are both so right. It's just the way the things are, and for me it's sad to see where this is heading ... I've just defended myself by something I've never done. I think this is a normal reaction. Indeed, all clans fight in this never ending war agains cheaters , but let's admint it: People will always try to break the rules, new cheats are made everyday and players will try to exploit everything they can ; all the games have this issue. I understand the concerning of the admins, but if you have power above others don't abuse it, be a model for players becouse you represent your group. I'm a server owner too and i have an opinion about kicking players: Every kick or ban must be backed up by evidence, I didn't banned someone just becouse seems "suspicious" ... First check then decide. Admins need to change this behaviour and not act by the feeling ... this is what bothers me. And YES, I was banned from servers for nothing, it's not the first time, but I asked them on the forums for the reason. They replied: "We dont like players like you on our servers" . That maked me think: "Players like me??" -what this means? . Ohhhh i get it. Players like me that kill you 20 times/round and you can't handle it becouse you are familiar playing with beginers ....

    Anyway, i dont want to get a heart attack by thinking at this ... lol . And if anyoane from COH clan felt offended by any reason I want to say to them: Please accept my apologizes, it isn't what i've intended.

  2. #12


    Some interesting points above - For my own clan MEGA and I will be honest I am a crap admin What Little time I get to play then thats exactly what I want to do is play!!! the last thing I want to do is sit their specin and checkin.
    I am lucky as I have some great trusted admins who help me out running our servers but I fully respect their judgement as if on my server they ban someone then the last thing I want is to end up been a middle man and over rule any ban made when I was not their playing so IMO ADMIN is god at the end of the day on our servers its their server and their time so if you get kicked or banned dont take it personal - I have been banned a lot myself on various servers and I am just an average skilled player (some would say crap lol)

    It is hard to keep a balance on a server and spec so many - so yeh sometimes a high scorer will be banned on my own servers if its upsetting the flow of the game and every one is on screen complaining about a player........

    What tends to happen if you dont kick a high scorer is many players leave because they cant accept the score level of that player and you just get floods of console back chat......

    But all above is not JUST MOHAA!! its any game (The new MOH games and others have the same problem I guess any game !! Its nothing new and nothing IMO has been fixed on new games ) I dont think I have ever seen a game developer ever try to market their game as cheat free but also dont think any of them put much effort into that side of the game.............

    In this day and age nothing is secure - you can only reduce risk.....................

    So getting back to above....... what's the solution for a fair game...........

    Well for me I am not having much of an issue (thats back to the crap player lol) but in the cases where I have been banned I just fined another server and for some reason never get banned off my own servers..... well ok I did once by a rogue admin I had to ban him lol.

    If I play on a server and end up with a player or two I dont trust or suspect or just get my rear kicked I leave............

    We run a pureplay MOHAAC server which was set up by Rel we took it over as Rel was no longer going to run it - Its a shame because it was a great effort to bring some extra anti cheat to the game to prevent some of above along side a Reborn patched server.....

    The server remains empty as MOHAAC is enforced and autokicks anyone not running so very few play their and those that make the effort to run MOHAAC just dont get a game because no one can be bothered. No Anticheat is bullet proof IMO but just reduces the free loaders who download cheats and use so popular available cheats go mass and loads of scum just download and get a free easy kill......... I have more respect for the cheat creators as at least they had some skill and time not that I am saying its ok grrrrrr but your every day scum bag cheat is a crap player who needs some cheats to keep up with the good honest type.........

    So the bottom line their is no solution to this as you will always have the following player types playing


    So in some cases I have had one my self where someone I would have said was a great supporter of MOHAA and was classed at the GOD / Cheat player level - Spent 6 months trying to spec and check and their were things to raise concern but when I banned that member it was because of 2 reasons

    Scaring off other players and causing an affray - the affray part was console chatter of abuse and defence between players and I had just had enough as I was spending so much time on the issue........ I guess percentage wise he was the highest scoring player I had played at the time but I was unable to prove anything so gut feeling and TBH a case of the player had to go as other players in their masses were leaving and refusing to play on our servers, as I was not sure but new the player had to go for the sake of the servers.

    I did ban BUT did not accuse the player of cheating I just advised that the bulk of players could not accept his skill level and was effecting the server popularity.......

    Was I right or wrong well it was our server and when ever that player played the server emptied........

    So all I can suggest is if you are a GOD level player - and their are many I know a few and must admit I dont like playing them but would never accuse them of cheating with out proof is perhaps get together and create a GOD level server - sounds daft but you will still have to admin together and judge but thats what it boils down to.........

    As soon as any admin or player see's a trebled score from any player the first thing you think is cheat BUT I do agree their are GOD players.....

    I am just an average player but now 43 and played from the start of MOHAA and would like to think in my younger years was well above average but thats about it now get battered by my own kids on the game grrrrrrrrrr

    But just wanted to raise some points above its hard to run and police a server and you could say your lucky so many people take admin work with a passion and honestly I have no time for admin role on a server any more I just want to play so you have to respect them for their time and effort and at the end of the day its their server so they are judge and jury just find another server or create your own where you can be admin and GOD ..............
    Last edited by heatsinkbod; January 28th, 2013 at 01:06 PM.

  3. #13


    @ Heatsinkbod

    Their server, their rules. I have no problem with that. I just didn't liked the label they attached me: "banned for wallhacking". This is not true. If they didn't wanted me there, why they just didn't said so: We don't want you here, we don't like you, go and find another server. I can understand that completely, but i can't agree with the idea of banning players like that ... Anyway i don't care, it's their decision and i RESPECT it the way it is.

  4. #14
    Administrator JoTo's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by heatsinkbod View Post
    - I have been banned a lot myself on various servers and I am just an average skilled player
    .... hmmmm, I don't know if your ready for the truth heatsink ........ but ........... they didn't banned you because of your skill ......

    I was in the admin's office when it was going like: "Omg its heatsink ! Beware ! Ohnonono god help us, all banning tools up IMMEDIATLY !" :P

  5. #15
    Administrator JoTo's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Back to serious

    In my opinion, one of the best methods for admins is to spec players with enabled wallhack on.

    Without wallhack its hard to tell for an admin if a suspicious player is using wallhack or not because the admin doensn't have the same view as a player with wallhack, simple as that.

    I'm wondering if a feature like this can be integrated into the patch for admins ? So if an admin has been authed and has sufficient rights as soon he goes into spectator wallhack is enabled for him (serverside ? ).

    Same regarding aimbots, I'm thinking about something that would give statistical values (overlay ?) for a specced player something like 10 kills / 10 headshots, so an admin can make up his mind easier.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by JoTo View Post
    Back to serious

    In my opinion, one of the best methods for admins is to spec players with enabled wallhack on.
    Totally agreed. I do the same whenever I'm suspicious of someone.

  7. #17
    Testing Crew Member dax's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    liverpool uk


    @joto :agreed,as admins we make use of all tools in the fight against cheats,if this is possible it would be an advantage ...
    as it stands you would need to leave the game to implement the tool and as you may know if you have ever adminned a server ,as soon as
    someone goes into spec most cheaters either leave the server or change the way they play .
    if the former is the case ...job done! if the latter then patience is required .
    the ability to spec from within the game would also make life easier for admins !!!
    mess with the best ,die like the rest !!!

  8. #18



    I'm wondering if a feature like this can be integrated into the patch for admins ? So if an admin has been authed and has sufficient rights as soon he goes into spectator wallhack is enabled for him (serverside ? ).
    If posible, this would be a must have! It will make much easier the admins job.
    Very nice idea.

  9. #19


    Giving admins a masterclass in recognising hackers, that would be the best option imo.

    But yeah ''xray mode'' as MOHAAC uses would be good.. but lots of risks come with this. As in it should not be able to be abused so only useable in spectator mode. And you shouldn't be running MOHAAC while you do it haha.

    And even with this tool, I'm pretty sure that admins still won't learn a thing.. most will just wait untill they finally see someone looking at someone through the walls (while he missed seeing 10 others before) and ban him..
    While it probably was just coincidence or he simply heard the person and pre-aimed to the sound.

    All I can say is, admins need to learn how to spot hackers and see the difference between good players and cheaters. Unfortunately most of the times an admin has to be actually skilled to notice the difference.

    Edit: @CORRUPT, yeah the most likely reason you got banned was for playing too good, it happened to me on their servers as well, stating the reason ''Banned for wallhack". This is just a disgusting excuse as other players in the server would think like ''oh that player must be a hacker" and that just ruins people their good name. And don't even think about getting an apology from them haha.

    On a different server I actually had a chat with the admins, they came to me saying they know I don't cheat but I was playing too good so if I continued scaring other players away they'd had to ban me. As I enjoyed the server I decided to play less good and set some challenges for myself (like dodge 5 bullets from the other play before shooting back) makes it kind of fun. Win-win situation for everyone. That's how admins should handle these type of situations.
    Last edited by Shadow; January 30th, 2013 at 06:45 AM.

  10. #20


    @ Shadow

    After I talked with the admins, i got unbanned . Now i use MOHAAC all the time on COH, so all should be just fine.

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