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Thread: Server disconnecting players

  1. #1

    Default Server disconnecting players

    Ok after having to send the tech suport guy for my server the link to this web site so he could"see what he nned to do to install this patch" he put it on the server,iy only took him 3 or 4 said "it kept crashing the server". so anyway he has it installed but now after a few minutes of play it disconnects everyone. here is what shows up for the log file

    g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6

    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitGame ------------------
    Initializing CVARS. Done!
    --> Next update check will be performed after 6 hours (0 day/s)!
    Initializing Chat Filter. Done!
    Initializing Banned Names List. Done!
    Initializing Banned IPs List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Votes List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Maps List. Done!
    Initializing Admins List. Done!
    Initializing Protected Names List. Done! mapped into address space. Shared settings initialized!
    LocalizationError fix Address: 0x0043bb24
    LocalizationError removal fix applied.
    G_BulletAttack Address: 0x31176e10
    G_BulletAttack: Hooked correctly.
    SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint Address: 0x434520
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals Protection applied
    Black Window Patch Address: 0x31177640
    Shoot through Black Window/Furniture/Light Bulbs Hack Protection applied
    RConFlood Patch Address: 0x432fc1
    RConFlood Crash Protection applied
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3 & 0x421b4e
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3
    InfoBoom Crash Protection applied
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Address: 0x0
    Reborn EXCEPTION: G_Init - DetoursSetup! EXCEPTION CODE: -1073741819
    ---------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitFinished ----------------

    WARNING- DOWNGRADING TO OLD ANIMATION FORMAT FOR FILE: models/vehicles/shermantank/sherman_damage.skc
    WARNING- DOWNGRADING TO OLD ANIMATION FORMAT FOR FILE: models/vehicles/ktigertank_d/ktigertank_all_d.skc
    Skeletor CacheAnimSkel: Could not open binary file models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_empty.skc
    Skeletor CacheAnimSkel: Could not open binary file models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_reload.skc
    ^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 1.24 seconds
    usage: seta <variable> <value>
    Hitch warning: 1251 msec frame time
    Client 0 connecting with 50 challenge ping
    ={LNA}=GoA*Toper |316| is preparing for deployment
    ={LNA}=GoA*Toper |316| has entered the battle

    At first I sent him just the new bineries because I can install everything except the moh server exec.He wouldn't just install that,he had to have the link for here....and still I don't think he did it right.

  2. #2


    latest logfile
    Cvar_Set2: sv_debuggamespy 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_maxPing 9999
    Cvar_Set2: sv_minPing 0

    Cvar_Set2: g_gravity 800
    Cvar_Set2: g_knockback 1000
    Cvar_Set2: g_quadfactor 3
    Cvar_Set2: g_speed 320
    Cvar_Set2: g_healrate 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_healthdrop 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_realismmode 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_forceteamspectate 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_spectate_allow_full_chat 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_team_spawn_interval 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_inactivespectate 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_inactivekick 0
    Cvar_Set2: g_teamswitchdelay 10
    Cvar_Set2: g_allowjointime 20
    Cvar_Set2: cg_forcemodels 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_teamdamage 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_master1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_master2
    Cvar_Set2: sv_master3
    Cvar_Set2: sv_gamespy 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 1
    g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
    Cvar_Set2: roundlimit 0
    Cvar_Set2: timelimit 0
    Cvar_Set2: fraglimit 100
    Cvar_Set2: dmrespawning 0
    Cvar_Set2: dmroundlimit 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_runspeed 290
    Cvar_Set2: sv_walkspeed 190
    Cvar_Set2: sv_maplist dm/mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_fps 20
    ------ Server Initialization ------
    Server: dm/mohdm6
    Warning: cvar "sv_maxclients" given initial values: "1" and "32"
    Cvar_Set2: sv_running 1
    LoadLibrary (main/gamex86.dll)

    ------------------ MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitGame ------------------
    Warning: cvar "sv_zombietime" given initial values: "2" and "1"
    Warning: cvar "sv_timeout" given initial values: "120" and "10"
    Initializing CVARS. Done!
    --> Next update check will be performed after 11 hours (0 day/s)!
    Initializing Chat Filter. Done!
    Initializing Banned Names List. Done!
    Initializing Banned IPs List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Votes List. Done!
    Initializing Allowed Maps List. Done!
    Initializing Admins List. Done!
    Initializing Protected Names List. Done! mapped into address space. Shared settings initialized!
    LocalizationError fix Address: 0x0043bb24
    LocalizationError removal fix applied.
    G_BulletAttack Address: 0x31176e10
    G_BulletAttack: Hooked correctly.
    SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint Address: 0x434520
    Anti Wallhack/Visuals Protection applied
    Black Window Patch Address: 0x31177640
    Shoot through Black Window/Furniture/Light Bulbs Hack Protection applied
    RConFlood Patch Address: 0x432fc1
    RConFlood Crash Protection applied
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3 & 0x421b4e
    InfoBoom Patch Address: 0x421ba3
    InfoBoom Crash Protection applied
    MoH:AA BOF (Buffer Overflow) Address: 0x0
    Reborn EXCEPTION: G_Init - DetoursSetup! EXCEPTION CODE: -1073741819
    ---------------- MoH:AA 1.12 Reborn Patch InitFinished ----------------

    ==== InitGame ====
    Warning: cvar "cheats" given initial values: "1" and "0"
    Cvar_Set2: cheats 0
    Cvar_Set2: deathmatch 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_gametypestring Free-For-All
    sizeof(Actor) == 2960
    Magic sizeof actor numer: 2896

    Event system initialized: 154 classes 1348 events 830368 total memory in response list

    ==== CleanupGame ====
    Cvar_Set2: session 1
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpicover
    Cvar_Set2: bosshealth 0
    CM_LoadMap( maps/dm/mohdm6.bsp, 0 )
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_structure/jh_conc2.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/hotelwthr_trim.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/general_industrial/deckgrate_set1b.tga
    ^~^~^ Can't find textures/interior/whitewoodbm.tga
    Cvar_Set2: sv_mapChecksum 1974169620
    Cvar_Set2: mapname dm/mohdm6
    Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 218775026
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6_precache.scr'
    Line 19 is incomplete while reading string in file models/vehicles/fockwulffly.tik
    WARNING- DOWNGRADING TO OLD ANIMATION FORMAT FOR FILE: models/vehicles/shermantank/sherman_damage.skc
    WARNING- DOWNGRADING TO OLD ANIMATION FORMAT FOR FILE: models/vehicles/ktigertank_d/ktigertank_all_d.skc
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'tank4' in 'models/vehicles/kingtank_all_d.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'jeep2' in 'models/static/vehicle_jeep.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sprealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dmrealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sprealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dmrealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    Skeletor CacheAnimSkel: Could not open binary file models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_empty.skc
    TIKI_InitTiki: Failed to load animation 'models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_empty.skc' at models/weapons/kar98.tik, line: 112
    Skeletor CacheAnimSkel: Could not open binary file models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_reload.skc
    TIKI_InitTiki: Failed to load animation 'models/weapons/KAR98/KAR98_reload.skc' at models/weapons/kar98.tik, line: 113
    TIKI_InitTiki: could not find surface 'panzerschreck2' in 'models/weapons/panzerschreck.tik' (check referenced skb/skd files).
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    ^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
    Channel named Bip01 L Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    Channel named Bip01 R Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without it)
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/fx/barrel_water_leak_medium.tik1
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/fx/barrel_water_leak_medium.tik1
    Anticham 1 is called
    -------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
    Cvar_Set2: skill 0
    soundtrack switched to .
    Cvar_Set2: sv_gravity 800
    Cvar_Set2: sv_cinematic 0
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
    -------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 3 ms
    0 teams with 0 entities
    Adding script: 'dm/mohdm6.scr'
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext1 Stalingrad
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_alliedtext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext1
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext2
    Cvar_Set2: g_obj_axistext3
    Cvar_Set2: g_scoreboardpic mohdm6
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'realism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sprealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dmrealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sp' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dm' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'sprealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'dmrealism' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Event 'droppable' does not exist.
    ^~^~^ Can't find models/fx/barrel_water_leak_medium.tik1
    Tiki:LoadFile Couldn't load models/fx/barrel_water_leak_medium.tik1
    Adding autosave names
    39 entities spawned
    115 simple entities spawned
    0 entities inhibited
    -------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 14 ms
    Cvar_Set2: sv_paks
    Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPaks
    Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPakNames

    -----------PARSING UBERSOUND (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.030000 seconds.
    -------------UBERSOUND DONE (SERVER)---------------

    -----------PARSING UBERDIALOG (SERVER)------------
    Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
    CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/uberdialog.scr
    Parse/Load time: 0.142000 seconds.
    -------------UBERDIALOG DONE (SERVER)---------------

    ------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 1.25 seconds
    Cvar_Set2: anticham_periodWaittime 15
    Anticham 1 is not enabled
    soundtrack switched to music/mohdm6.mus.
    playing music/mohdm6.mus
    music set to normal with fallback normal
    Loading Ambient.scr
    Cvar_Set2: sv_banning 1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_filterchat 1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_disablechat 1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_kickping 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_maxconnperip 10
    Cvar_Set2: sv_kickbadcmd 1
    Cvar_Set2: sv_sounddistance 8000
    Cvar_Set2: sv_antiwh 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_antiwhskipping 400
    Cvar_Set2: sv_antistwh 0
    usage: seta <variable> <value>
    Cvar_Set2: sv_stufftextdetection 0
    Cvar_Set2: anticham 1
    Cvar_Set2: anticham_startDelay 15
    Cvar_Set2: anticham_periodWaittime 120
    Cvar_Set2: sv_updatedelay 9999
    Cvar_Set2: g_teambalance 0
    Cvar_Set2: sv_remotetoolip
    Hitch warning: 1266 msec frame time
    Anticham 2 is called
    Anticham 2 is enabled
    SV packet : getstatus
    SV packet : getstatus
    Anticham 1 is enabled
    Anticham 2 check function is starting now
    Anticham 1 check function is starting now
    Last edited by easymeat; September 24th, 2012 at 07:42 AM.

  3. #3


    hi there Meat!

    It looks indeed like the mohaa_server.exe is the wrong version. That tech guy really needs to
    replace it with the one that comes with the Reborn patch.
    But he seems to be reluctant to do that? I wonder why... Who is your gameserver provider?

    Also make sure youre using the latest patch binaries. Current version should be at least 1.114 or 1.115 version.
    Last edited by Midnight1138; September 24th, 2012 at 08:12 AM.

  4. #4


    ultimate game servers I don't know which 1 he installed I did the thing patchver in rcon it said 3.5 then 1.107
    tech guy said he got it here I tried to send him just the mohaa_server.exec and the game86mohaa.dll but he wouldn't just install that.

  5. #5


    Well, if you are interested, own3mall rents out servers in Dallas and St. Louis I believe, and I rent out servers in New York City.

    my site is

  6. #6


    I have paid for this server for a year I also rented a server form that will install reborn patch with a click of a button works great. When this server expires I'll check out that site.

  7. #7


    Ok heres a question..would having different reborn.pk3 files than the server.exec cause this?

  8. #8
    Über Prodigy & Developer Razo[R]apiD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Poland, Lublin


    Yes, you have to replace mohaa_server.exe

    Read here: Windows And Linux Installation Guides - Additional_information

    Also, you may want to force patch update to the latest version, by editing update_reborn.txt and changing the year to 2010 or 2011, read this: update_reborn.txt

  9. #9


    yeah it's fixed now sent the guy my log file and the 3.5 I had and he reinstalled it with that now it's running great. Also the tech guy came here and said he read all the install doc. but still not sue what he put on sever the 1st time.BTW heres what the up date txt says in it now 12/21/36/24/09/2012 before it was blank.

  10. #10


    nope still messed up but with a different EXCEPTION: G_Init - DetoursSetup! EXCEPTION CODE told him to just take it all worked good for 2

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