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Thread: RCON Command List

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    Developer Sor's Avatar
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    The Medieval City of Bruges

    Default RCON Command List

    RCON Commands List
    * updated since release of RC3.5 *


    The new console commands added in the ClientAdmins System are, as of Release Candidate 2 Alpha, also available with normal RCON.
    Admins logged into their server's RCON can now use these new commands, remotely, like any other rcon command.

    They work the same way as the commands of the ClientAdmins System, they just don't have the ad_ prefix.


    Command Parameters Description
    RC3.1+ protname <string clientname> <string password> Add specified player name to the protectednamefilter.cfg list, only clients who have the specified password set are allowed to connect the server with the specified name(s).
    To set a protected name password, the client has to type this into game console: setu cl_namepass "password"
    RC3.1+ unprotname <string clientname> Removes specified player name from the the protectednamefilter.cfg list, clients with specified name can connect to the server without password again.
    RC3.1+ listprotnames ----------------- Dumps list of all protected player names (stored in main/ipfilter.cfg) into the console.
    RC3.1+ kickr <string clientname> <string text> Kicks client with specified name from the server and the specified text will be printed to all clients as reason.
    RC3.1+ clientkickr <int client#> <string text> Kicks client with specified ID from the server and the specified text will be printed to all clients as reason.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 banid <int client#> Bans IP Address of client with specified ID/num.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 banip <ip-mask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> Bans specified IP Address or IP Range (use * as wildcard; since RC2.5 Gamma, you can place wildcards everywhere)
    RC3.1+ banipr <ip-mask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> <string text> Bans IP Address of client or IP Range (use * as wildcard; since RC2.5 Gamma, you can place wildcards everywhere) and the specified text will be printed to all clients as reason.
    RC3.1+ banidr <int client#> <string text> Bans IP Address of client with specified ID/num and the specified text will be printed to all clients as reason.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 banname <string clientname> <int anyInstance> Bans client with specified name. Adds name to bannednames list. (RC3.1+ only) If the additional argument anyInstance is set to 1, any client whose name contains the specified string cannot join the server.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 unbanip <ip-mask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> Removes specified IP Address/Range from the bannedip list. Effectively lifting the ban.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 unbanname <string clientname> Removes specified player name from the bannednames list. Effectively lifting the ban.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 listips <int pagenumber> Dumps list of all banned IP Addresses and IP Ranges (stored in main/ipfilter.cfg) into the console.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 listnames <int pagenumber> Dumps list of all banned player names (stored in main/namefilter.cfg) into the console.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 listadmins ----------------- Dumps list of all currently logged-in admins and their respective access rights into the console.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 chatfilteradd <string word> Adds specified word to the chat filtering list. Clients using this word will get a penalty point and once they reach the g_badchatlimit value, they will be kicked.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 chatfilterremove <string word> Removes specified word from the chat filtering list.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 listchatfilter <int pagenumber> Dumps list of all words (stored in main/chatfilter.cfg) needing to be filtered out of the in-game chat into the console.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 dischat <int client#> Disables chat for client with specified ID/num. Execute the command again to re-enable it for the specified client.
    RC2.A-RC3.5 sayp <int client#> <string text> Works the same as the RCON command 'say', but the message will be sent to client with the specified ID/num only.
    Last edited by Sor; May 11th, 2012 at 04:45 PM.

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